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同志们:这次市政府全体(扩大)会议的主要议题是:贯彻江泽民总书记最近视察广东时的一系列批示和省委工作会议精神,分析当前经济形势,总结上半年经济工作,部署下半年工作任务。目的是认清形势,统一认识,激励斗志,充分调动各方面的积极因素,千方百计地完成和超额完成今年的各项任务。现在,我先作个发言,供同志们讨论。一、上半年政府工作的主要情况今年上半年,在中央继续加大宏观调控力度、资金紧缺以及遭受严重自然灾害等困难条件下,我们坚决贯彻中共中央关于“抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定”的20字方针,正确处理改革、发展和稳定的关系,主动适应新出台的各项改革措施,有针对性地研究 Comrades: The main topics of this all-encompassing (enlarged) meeting of the municipal government are: Carrying out the series of instructions and the work conference of the provincial party committee recently inspected by General Secretary Jiang Zemin; analyzing the current economic situation; concluding the economic work in the first half of the year and the deployment of the second half of the year work tasks. The purpose is to understand clearly the situation, unite our understanding, inspire and fight for morale, fully mobilize the positive factors in all fields, do everything possible to accomplish and overfulfill all the tasks for this year. Now, let me make a statement for discussion by my comrades. I. Major Events of the Government in the First Half of the Year In the first half of this year, under such difficult conditions as the Central Government continued to step up its macro-economic control and control, shortage of funds and natural disasters, we resolutely implemented the directives of the CPC Central Committee on seizing opportunities, deepening reform and expanding Opening up, promoting development and maintaining stability ", correctly handle the relationship between reform, development and stability, and take the initiative to adapt to the newly introduced reform measures and conduct a targeted study
路,是怎样走过来的? 古老的佛山铸造史,是一部血泪斑斑的阶级斗争史。直到解放前夕,佛山铸造还是处在分散落后的手工作坊状态,生产上使用的唯一“机械”,就是给猴子炉送风的
胰岛素A链中A_(6-11)六肽衍生物,Cbz(S-Bz)Cys·(S-Bz)Cys·Ala·Gly·Val·(S-Bz)Cys OEt(Ⅱ),曾用碳二亚胺法和混合酸酐法依A_(6-7)+A_(8-11)途径分别合成。本文报告用迭氮