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使用最高重复频率可达1000 Hz的脉冲激光二极管抽运的电光调Q单纵模激光器作为种子源,经过两级预放大器和两级主功率放大器后获得高重复频率高能量的激光输出。然后使用此光源对由芯径为1 mm和400μm的石英光纤组合而成的大口径锥度光纤固体相位共轭镜在重复频率分别为1000,500和400 Hz情况下的受激布里渊散射反射率进行了详细的实验研究,并分别得到33.3%,41.2%和50.7%的最高反射率。实现了固体相位共轭镜在高重复频率大能量条件下大于50%的受激布里渊散射反射率。在重复频率为400 Hz时,激光脉冲宽度从24 ns压缩到6 ns,压缩比为4:1,且脉冲光滑无调制。 A pulsed laser diode pumped electro-optical Q-switched single longitudinal mode laser with a maximum repetition rate of 1000 Hz is used as a seed source to obtain high repetition rate and high power laser output through two stages of preamplifiers and two stages of main power amplifiers. Then using this light source, stimulated Brillouin scattering reflection of large-diameter taper fiber solid-phase conjugate mirrors consisting of quartz fibers with core diameters of 1 mm and 400 μm at repetition frequencies of 1000, 500 and 400 Hz respectively Rate of a detailed experimental study, and were 33.3%, 41.2% and 50.7% of the highest reflectivity. The stimulated Brillouin scattering reflectivity of the conjugate solid phase mirror with a high repetition rate and energy of more than 50% is achieved. At a repetition rate of 400 Hz, the laser pulse width is compressed from 24 ns to 6 ns with a 4: 1 compression ratio and the pulse is smooth and unmodulated.
固体~(13)C核磁共振技术是研究物质结构的有效方法,本文是在高磁场(400 MHz)下,应用 Solid ~ (13) C NMR is an effective method to study the structure of matter. In th
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