发扬光荣传统 坚持党管武装——张震副主席视察临沂军分区侧记

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中央军委副主席张震上将在驻鲁部队进行调查研究时,视察了临沂军分区,亲切看望了军分区机关全体干部。 初夏时节的沂蒙山区,山清水秀,气候宜人。张副主席一下车,便与迎接他的军分区负责同志和机关干部亲切握手。他详细询问了机关干部的工作和生活情况,不时发出爽朗的笑声。他认真听取了军分区领导关于民兵、预备役建设的情况汇报,并作了重要讲话。 张副主席说,临沂地区是革命老区,抗日战争、解放战争时期牺牲了不少同志,对党和国家做出了很 When conducting investigations and studies in the Lu troops, General Zhang Zhen, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected the Linyi military sub-area and cordially visited all the cadres in the military sub-area authorities. Yimeng Mountain in early summer season, beautiful, pleasant climate. When Vice President Zhang got out of the car, he shook hands with the responsible comrades and cadres of the armed forces who welcomed him. He asked in detail about the work and living conditions of the cadres of the organs and issued hearty laughter from time to time. He listened attentively to the leaders of the military subregion for reporting on the militia and reserve building construction and made important speeches. Vice-Chairman Zhang said that Linyi is a revolutionary old quarter. During the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, many comrades were sacrificed and the party and the state made a lot of
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