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放射性核素在医学上的应用已经有相当长的历史了。核技术与医学相结合逐渐形成了一门新的边缘学科——核医学。放射性核素医学成像,特别是80年代崭露头角的发射型CT(即ECT),已经成为临床诊断的重要手段。 放射性原子核衰变过程中放出的射线或粒子可以用核仪器进行探测。这种技术在诸多领域中得到了广泛的应用。放射性核素医学成像就是这种核技术在医学上的应用之一。这种成像技术就是用放射性核素示踪的方法显示人体内部结构或功能图像的一种技术,是核医学研究和临床诊断所用的主要手段,也是从70年代起发展起来的医学影像诊断学的重要组成部分。这种医学成像的基本方法,是利用一定的放射性核素作标记,来制成适当的标记化合物,将这种标记化合物引入体内以形成放射性在受检部位按一定规律进行浓度分布。然后根据放出射线的特性,在体外用探测器进行跟踪探测。可通过光点记录、闪烁照像或断层扫描等方法获得反映放射性核素在脏器或组织中的浓度分布图像。因为病变部位对相应放射性制剂的吸收情况与正常组织不同,所以根据这种放射性图像即可诊断疾病。放射性成像技术已有40多年的发展历史。 The application of radionuclides in medicine has been quite long. The combination of nuclear technology and medicine has gradually formed a new fringe discipline - nuclear medicine. Radionuclide medical imaging, especially the emergent emission CT in the 1980s (ie ECT), has become an important tool in clinical diagnosis. Radioactive nuclear decay process emits rays or particles can be detected with nuclear instruments. This technique has been widely used in many fields. Radionuclide medical imaging is one of the medical applications of this nuclear technology. This imaging technique is a technique that uses radionuclide tracer methods to display the internal structure or functional image of a human body and is the primary means used in nuclear medicine research and clinical diagnosis. It is also a medical imaging diagnostic technique developed from the 1970s An important part of. The basic method of medical imaging is to use a certain radionuclide as a marker to make an appropriate labeled compound. The labeled compound is introduced into the body to form a radioactive concentration distribution in the examined site according to certain rules. Then according to the characteristics of radiation, in vitro with a detector for tracking detection. Concentration distribution images of radionuclides in organs or tissues can be obtained by spot recording, scintigraphy or tomography. Because the lesion’s absorption of the corresponding radioactive agent is different from that of the normal tissue, it is possible to diagnose the disease based on this radiological image. Radiographic imaging has a 40-year history of development.
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