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水仙鳞茎(水仙头)通过雕刻造型能造出维妙维肖、千姿百态的活艺术品。 雕刻水仙要按以下程序进行: 1.剥鳞片。首先把水仙鳞茎上的泥土和枯根去净,然后剥去棕褐色的外表皮,接着在叶牙弯曲面离根部一厘米处,用小刀从左至右横切一条直线,再在鳞茎左、右两侧纵切一条线,最后在纵横线划定的范围逐层剥掉鳞片,直至露出每个花苞外的叶片和花梗。 2.削叶缘、刮花梗。用小刀小心地将包住花苞的两边每片叶的 Narcissus bulbs (narcissus head) by carving modeling can create vivid, different lively art works. Daffodils carved according to the following procedures: 1 stripping scales. First of all the daffodils on the bulbs and dead roots to clean the net, and then stripped tan outer skin, and then leaves the curved surface from the root of a centimeter, with a knife from left to right transverse a straight line, and then in the left bulb, Slitting a line on both sides of the right, and finally stripped the scales layer by layer in the vertical and horizontal lines, until the leaf and pedicel outside each bud is exposed. 2. Cut the edge of leaves, scratch pedicel. Carefully with a knife will wrap each leaf on both sides of the flower buds
生姜是一种耐荫湿、喜温和、怕渍涝作物。一般栽培方式易发姜瘟病,严重的可使生姜根茎腐烂达50%以上。下面介绍对生姜腐烂病预防有良好效果且能达到高产的生姜栽培技术。 Gi
  As a result of investigations authors discriminate the model series of transformation (evolution) of urban soils.The series depend on soil forming condition
  In the last decades urban soils have been studied intensively (Baize and Rossignol,1992; Beyer et al.,1995; Burghardt,2000; Craul,1992;Hollis,1991; Thornton
  Soils and plants contamination of arsenic and heavy metals was investigated from the vicinity of the typical nonferrous mines and smelters in Changsha,Zhuzh
  Environmental pollution has posed an ever-increasing threat to the sustainable development and even to human health in China under the rapid economic growth