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色彩风景写生一直以来在艺术类高校的教学中都是重点,也是学生比较难以掌握的一门课程。在当下这个时期的艺术类考生比较特殊,临阵磨枪的现象普遍存在,这就出现了当今高校艺术类学生基础相对薄弱的问题,那么老师在参与色彩风景写生的这门教学活动中就会显得更加困难,课程进行的慢或者不顺利,往往要停留在基础的问题上反复解决。在带领学生出去写生的过程中我发现这些学生要么不会画要么不爱画,不爱画归根结底还是不会画,没有找到方法便没有进行下去的动力,再加上缺少对艺术追求的品质和总结自然的能力便没有了对色彩风景写生的兴趣。那么方法很重要,如何让学生尽快的找到方法也是我们老师所必须去思考和解决的问题。让学生逐渐的爱上它而不是对作业应付了事。我本身不仅是一名大学老师,同时一直致力于对中国画的创作与研究,中国画重技法,所以临摹在中国画的学习中占有举足轻重的地位,那么,能不能把中国画临摹的方式融入到色彩风景写生的教学中呢?通过今年的教学实践,使学生先通过一段时间的临摹作为起步,再进而转入色彩风景写生练习的效果较好。临摹作为一个准备阶段对以后的色彩风景写生起到了事半功倍的作用。 Color landscape painting has always been the focus of the teaching of art colleges and universities, but also students more difficult to master a course. At this moment, art students in this period are rather special, and there is a ubiquitous presence of artillery. This presents the problem that art students in colleges and universities nowadays have relatively weak foundation. Therefore, teachers may find it more difficult to participate in the teaching of color landscape painting , The course is slow or not smooth, often have to stay on the basis of the problem repeatedly resolved. In leading the students out of sketching process I found that these students either do not paint or do not love painting, do not love painting in the final analysis or not painting, there is no way to find no way to go on, coupled with the lack of quality of the pursuit of art and To sum up the natural ability to have no interest in color landscape sketching. So the method is very important, how to let the student find the method as soon as possible also our teacher must think and solve the problem. Let students gradually fall in love with it instead of dealing with homework. I am not only a university teacher in my own right, but I am also devoting myself to the creation and study of Chinese painting and Chinese painting. Therefore, copying plays a decisive role in the study of Chinese painting. So, can we integrate Chinese painting into color painting Teaching? Through this year’s teaching practice, the students first through a period of copying as a starting point, and then into the color landscape sketch practice better. Copy as a preparation stage for the future of color landscape painting played a multiplier effect.
恶性疟原虫感染时,可发现可溶性抗原及相应的抗体,因此使之有可能形成循环免疫复合物(CIC)。为研究凶险型恶性疟时的 CIC,并探讨其在重症恶性疟中的免疫病理学作用,作者观察
This research is dedicated to develop a safety measurement for human-machine cooperative system, in which the machine region and the human region cannot be sepa