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I.单项填空1.—What a film!—Wonderful!I’ve never seen__one.A.a most moved B.a more movingC.the most moving D.the most moved2.We have examined all the books in the library.__that theory.A.pointing to B.referring to I. Single fill-in 1.—What a film!—Wonderful!I’ve never seen__one.Aa most moved Ba moving C.the most moving D.the most moved2.We have examined all the books in the library.__that theory.A .pointing to B.referring to
10月22日,惠普携旗下多款LCD显示器产品,正式宣布进军国内DIY市场,并且提出了希望能在两年内进入中国LCD显示器市场份额排名前三位的发展目标。 October 22, HP brought its
The U.S. financial market turmoil, stirred by the meltdown of several major investment banks, has exerted an enormous impact on Chinese markets and directly cau
hooligan一词,国内外词典大都收入,也是一个常见词。比如在早期的China Daily(中国日报)的两篇文章中就各有一例: Soon afterwards,the ownership fell to Huang Jinrong,a
假如你身高只有1.5米,体重不足 40公斤,你敢想象自己有朝一日也能变成一名炙手可热的高薪模特吗? 白雪原本是工厂流水线上的一名“小不点”拉长,但她有一张丰润、性感的嘴唇
1.股民 shareholders2.股友 friends in the stock market3.股市 stock market4.A股 A share/stock5.股市生/新手 greenhand of shares 1. shareholders 2. shareholders 3
Sir Hound says this painting is by world-famous(世界著名的)nature artist OttoBond. But Slylock Fox suspects it is a fake(冒牌货).He believes it is the work of