一心为民 勇于奉献——记新疆阿克苏市阿依库勒镇党委组织干事艾买尔·依明

来源 :党建研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ningsha
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2003年以来,全国组织系统开展了以公道正派为主要内容的“树组工干部形象”集中学习教育活动,在活动中涌现出一大批先进典型。中央组织部日前决定:对艾买尔·依明等9名同志予以表彰,授予艾买尔·依明等8名同志“全国优秀组工干部”称号,追授祁爱群同志“全国优秀组工干部”称号。中组部号召,广大组工干部要深入开展向优秀组工干部学习的活动。学习他们坚定理想信念,自觉实践“三个代表”重要思想,立党为公、执政为民,在关键时刻经得住考验的政治品质;学习他们公道正派,廉洁奉公,坚决抵制用人上不正之风的凛然正气;学习他们求真务实,开拓创新,艰苦奋斗,争创一流的敬业精神;学习他们心系群众,帮助群众排忧解难,全心全意为人民群众服务的公仆情怀;学习他们淡泊名利,甘为人梯,无私奉献的高尚品德,进一步树立和维护公道正派的良好形象。 Since 2003, the national organizations have systematically organized and focused on learning and education activities focusing on fair and honest schools as their main content, and a large number of advanced models emerged during the campaign. The Central Organization Department recently decided to commend 9 Comrades, including Eyrei Emei, the honorary title of “Outstanding Workers Cadres in the Nation” by 8 comrades such as Aiyimei Eming and “Commendation of Comrade Qi Aiqun” "title. In the call of the Central Organization Department, a large number of group-building cadres should conduct in-depth activities to learn from excellent group cadres. Learn from them their firm ideals and beliefs, conscientiously practice the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ establish the political quality of serving the interests of the public and governing for the people, and withstand tests at a crucial time; learn from them that they are impartial and honest, Learning from their hearts and minds, helping the masses to solve problems and serving the people wholeheartedly; learning from their fame and fortune, their willingness to learn from others Ladder, and noble dedication to selfless dedication to further establish and maintain a fair and honest good image.
目的探讨定量组织速度成像技术(quantitative tissue velocity imaging,QTVI)评价慢性肺心病患者右室功能的临床价值。方法取52例慢性肺心病患者和60例正常人进行经胸超声检
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