Unique Style in Painting Mountain Chrysanthemums Represents the True Nature of Life

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  Zhang Tongxian was born at Rushan city, Shandong Province in October, 1950. Among his various professional titles are: a researcher at the Jilin Museum of the Imperial Palace of "Manchukuo", Deputy Director at the Exhibition Department, People's Daily newspaper office, member of China Mountains-and-Waters Paintings Research Institute, President of Kanto Calligraphy and Painting Academy in Baishan city, Jilin Province, member of Jilin Painters' Association and a First Degree Artist in China.
  In 1987 Zhang graduated from the Chinese People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts. Learning from mentors including Liu Dawei, Shi Guoliang and Liu Tiancheng, he is especially good at painting characters of traditional Chinese Painting. He demonstrated unique style in portraits of Changbai mountain wild Chrysanthemums, Yue forests and sceneries in Kanto, and is renowned for painting mountain Chrysanthemums. Although painters excelling at Chrysanthemums drawings are numerous in history, Zhang stands out because he delineates the true color of life via an ordinary mountain wild Chrysanthemum. Under his drawing pen, the sporadic light yellowness covered by thick ice and snow to the large spaces of golden yellowness which fills the wilderness and are reflected by the high mountains and dense forests demonstrate the tenacity and struggle of life, and the purity and dignity of personality, moistening the soul of the viewers like flowing and hidden fragrance.
  In 1998 at the invitation of China Association for International Friendly Contact, his work "Mountain Chrysanthemum" celebrating the 56th birthday of NOK national leader Kim Jong-Il was designated as a national gift at the highest level. In 2000, this work won the first prize and was collected by the Australia-China National Art Museum of China. In 2005, his work "The Flowing Aroma" was exhibited at the large-scale calligraphy and painting exhibit commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Success of Chinese People's Anti-Japan War--"From Success to Success" and won the Silver Medal. In 2013 he was invited to attend the UN-ECOSOC Conference at Palace of Nations, Geneva, The United Nations. His huge Chinese painting work "the Forever Green Mountains" was collected by the headerquarters of Palace of Nations. He was received by Ban Ki-moon in person, and the latter collected his Chinese Painting work "Mountain Chrysanthemums".
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张通贤,1950年10月生,祖籍山东乳山。现任吉林省伪皇宫博物院研究员、人民日报社展览部副主任、中国山水画研究院理事、吉林省白山市关东书画院院长、中国吉林省美术家协会理事、一级美术师。  1987年,张通贤毕业于中国人民解放军艺术学院。师从刘大为、史国良、刘天呈等导师。主攻国画人物,其笔下的长白山野菊花、捳华林及关东山水独具风格,并因画山菊而闻名画坛。其实,古往今来,擅长画菊花的画家大有人在,而张
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