由国家科委和中国发明协会等单位主办的第九届全国发明展览会,来自全国众多参展的化工项目中,山东临沂市化工总厂参展发明成果“硫酸钾型NPK三元素复合肥”一举夺魁荣获金奖。这一重大新闻,立即轰动了全国乃至全世界。 位于银雀山南麓、沂河西畔的临沂市化工总厂,现有职工1500名,其中工程技术人员150名;占地30万平方米,固定资产8400万元。形成了年产6万吨高浓度硫酸钾型三元复合肥、6万吨硫酸、2万吨盐酸、2.5万吨硫酸铝、500吨羧甲基纤维素、2.5万瓶乙炔气、
The Ninth National Invention Exhibition, sponsored by the State Science and Technology Commission and the China Association of Inventions, etc., came from a number of chemical projects that were exhibited in China. The invention of “Three-Element NPK Compound Fertilizer of Potassium Sulphate” won the first prize at the Chemical Plant of Linyi City, Shandong Province. Received a gold medal. This major news immediately caused a sensation in the country and even in the world. Located in the south of Yinqueshan Mountain and the west bank of Luohe River, Linyi Chemical Factory has 1,500 employees including 150 engineers and technicians. It covers an area of 300,000 square meters and has 84 million yuan in fixed assets. An annual output of 60,000 tons of high-concentration potassium sulfate ternary compound fertilizer, 60,000 tons of sulfuric acid, 20,000 tons of hydrochloric acid, 25,000 tons of aluminum sulfate, 500 tons of carboxymethyl cellulose, 25,000 bottles of acetylene gas,