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十二岁半的时候我就知道我是大姑娘了,妈看着我隆起的胸脯,眼睛里满是泪花。我不知道,为什么我长大了妈却要流泪。那年开春,我把一根橡皮筋拴在两棵桃树上,唱着,笑着,跳着,我快乐的情绪感染了很多人,几个邻居一跌声地夸我:“秀是越长越漂亮了,你看她那一头秀发,要是再扎上两个蝴蝶结,穿上条好看的布拉吉,一定比那几个城里来的小姑娘更像城里人!”妈在一旁开心地笑。妈最喜欢听别人夸我漂亮,也许,漂亮的女人都希望自己 When I was twelve and a half, I knew I was a big girl. Mom looked at my bulging breasts and my eyes were full of tears. I do not know why I grew up crying while I was a mom. That spring, I put a rubber band tethered to the two peach trees, singing, laughing, jumping, I am happy with a lot of people infected with emotions, a few neighbors, boasted a boasted: “show is The longer and the more beautiful, you look at her hair, and if again tied two bowknot, wearing a good Braghi, must be more than a few cities to the girl more like a city! ” Mother smiled happily aside. Mom likes to hear other people praise me pretty, maybe, beautiful women want to own
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2000年元月20日,江苏省龙潭监狱按国家《监狱法》规定,批准20名服刑罪犯离监探亲。穆家勇便是其中的一个。探亲期间,穆家勇以自己的亲身感受写下了—— On January 20, 2000
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1999年12月,湖北省 人大常委会任命万鄂湘同 志为湖北省高级人民法院 副院长,成为我省高级法院 历史上第一位党外领导干 部。 1981年,万鄂湘毕业于 武汉大学外文系英语专业, 留校当英语教师
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