公元1840年,英国侵略军的炮舰轰开了大清帝国紧闭的国门。丧权辱国的《南京条约》,使中国开始一步步沦为半殖民地半封建社会。在这种形势下,中国有少数思想敏锐的知识分子开始有所觉醒,初步认识到鸦片战争失败的原因,就是中国落后,落后就要挨打。这是不以任何人意志为转移的客观规律。 中国近代史上第一位主张认识西方、学习西方的先进知识分子,杰出的爱国主义者林则徐在反对外国
In 1840 AD, the gunboat of the British Invasion Army opened the tightly closed country of the Qing Empire. The “Treaty of Nanking,” which humiliated China and disgraced China, made China step by step into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. Under such circumstances, a handful of China’s intelligentsia began to awaken. The initial reason for the failure of the Opium War was that China lagged behind and beaten. This is an objective law that can not be shifted by anyone’s will. Lin Zexu, the first advanced intellectual who has known and learned of the West in modern history in China, and an outstanding patriot,