重视妇女权益 依法保护妇女

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中华人民共和国建立以来,至今经历了四十六个春秋,在四十六年的历程中,中国的社会主义法制建设经历了一个曲折困难的发展过程。在新中国建国初期,党和政府为迅速改变旧中国妇女长期被压迫、被摧残,处于与男子在政治、经济、文化、社会、家庭等方面不平等的地位,在中国这块古老的土地上掀忍了大规模的群众性妇女解放运动,政府十分重视对保障女性法律地位的建设。早在1954年《中华人民共和国宪法》中明确规定“妇女在政治的、经济的、文化的、社会的和家庭生活等各方面享有同男子平等的权利”。“国家保护妇女的权利和利益,实行男女同工同酬谢,培养和选拔妇女干部”。“婚姻、家庭、母亲和儿童受国家保护”。“禁止破坏婚姻自由,禁止虐待老人、妇女和儿童”。依据宪法确定的原则,国家陆续颁布了《婚姻法》、《选举法》、《继承法》、《民法》、《刑法》、《劳动法》等十余部基本法,1992年国家又颁布实施《中华人民共和国妇女权益保障法》,此外,国务院及所属部委颁布了40余种行政法规和条例。现在, Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, it has gone through forty-six years so far. During the forty-six years of its history, China's socialist legal system has undergone a tortuous and difficult development. In the early days of the People's Republic of China, the party and government quickly changed the long-term oppressed and devastated women in China. They were in an unequal position with men in politics, economy, culture, society and family. On the ancient land of China, Tolerated a mass mass movement of women's liberation, the government attaches great importance to the protection of women's legal status. As early as 1954, the Constitution of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulated that “women enjoy equal rights with men in all aspects of political, economic, cultural, social and family life.” “The State protects the rights and interests of women, carries out equal pay for equal work with men and women, and fosters and selects women cadres.” “Marriage, family, mother and children are protected by the state.” “Prohibit the destruction of freedom of marriage, prohibit the abuse of the elderly, women and children.” In accordance with the principle set by the Constitution, the state successively promulgated more than 10 basic laws such as the Marriage Law, the Electoral Law, the Inheritance Law, the Civil Law, the Criminal Law, and the Labor Law. In 1992, the state promulgated and implemented “China Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women, ”and in addition, the State Council and its ministries and commissions enacted more than 40 kinds of administrative regulations and rules. just now,
一、前言 X线机摄片是医疗诊断的重要手段之一,摄片时,胶片对X射线感光能力很差,只有使X射线转变成可见光后,才能有效地使胶片感光,X射线增感屏就是起把X射线转变成可见光的
去年8月,北京大学光华管理学院院长、全国政协经济委员会副主任、中国最具影响力经济学家之一厉以宁教授在陕西之行中, 华山论道。在省政府大礼堂内,台上一位精神矍铄的老者