
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wushaojunbaobao3
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在改革开放的大潮中,我国水利水电事业在探索和实践中求发展,但我们也应该看到,迄今为止,水利水电建设的改革措施还没有从根本上触及计划经济体制下传统企业制度本身的改造,长期困扰我们的政企不分、产权不清、企业自主权不能落实、自我约束机制不健全、自我发展后劲不足等问题,尚未得到根本解决。我们目前所做的种种尝试,无论形式还是内涵都还处于初级阶段,不可避免地存在着新旧体制过渡模式中出现的“双轨制”。其中不仅包含新旧体制的摩擦,而且还存在新的运行机制不健全、不协调形成的功能残缺。水利水 In the tide of reform and opening up, the cause of water conservancy and hydropower in our country seeks for development in the course of exploration and practice, but we should also see that so far, the reform measures of water conservancy and hydropower construction have not fundamentally touched the traditional enterprise system under the planned economy Reform, long-standing trouble for our political party regardless of ownership, unclear property rights, enterprise autonomy can not be implemented, self-restraint mechanism is not perfect, lack of self-development potential and other issues, have not been fundamentally resolved. All the attempts we have made, both in form and in content, are still in their infancy. There is inevitably a “dual system” that has emerged in the transitional system between old and new institutions. Which not only includes the friction between old and new systems, but also the existence of new mechanisms for the operation is not perfect, incompatible function of the formation of incomplete. Water conservancy
我从中等专业学校毕业二年 ,便投身到价格事业中来了 ,从事价格工作已整整15年 ,成了名符其实的“老兵”。初时对物价不甚了解 ,由于当时我们属市辖区下面的一个所 ,工作任务就
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