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近日,大型历史揭秘电影《旋风九日》揭开了神秘的面纱。这部电影首次把邓小平访美期间的惊险故事搬上银幕。访美期间,邓小平曾两度险遇刺杀。导演表示,影片中所有的故事来源、资料和对白,都是真实的,其中有不少资料来自美国已经解密的外交档案。“这些珍贵的资料,藏有很多不为人知的秘密,在美国也是首次解密,甚至邓小平的家人也从未见过。”电影相关负责人介绍说。此外,这部电影还有一个亮点,那就是首 Recently, a large-scale historical mystery movie “Tornado 9” opened the mysterious veil. For the first time, the movie has brought the thrilling story of Deng Xiaoping to the United States onto the screen. During his visit to the United States, Deng Xiaoping twice staged an assassination attempt. The director said all the sources, material and dialogue in the film are true, and many of them come from the diplomatic archives that the United States has already decrypted. “These precious materials contain many unknown secrets and are the first to be decrypted in the United States. Even Deng Xiaoping’s family has never seen one before,” said the person in charge of the film. In addition, there is a bright spot in this movie, that is the first
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