Nanning Nightlife:More Than You Can Imagine

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  The name Nanning literally means “peace in the south” as historically the imperial government used Nanning as a stronghold to aid the integration of the south of China with the north. Nowadays, the city has undoubtedly grown into a burgeoning metropolis. Prosperous as Nanning is, its nightlife is nowhere as varied as Shanghai’s, but people still can have relatively diverse choices. They are in search of a recreational or a quiet place at their interests. For instance, release souls in the bookstore, have a walk along the river, or enjoy an exotic performance in the bar street. A wide range of places appealing to all appetites are available within the city.

  Zhongshan Road:A food paradise

  Nightlife in Nanning can be best embodied in the Zhongshan Road Snack Street which tucked away behind the Yongjiang Hotel along the main river and the commercial zone. Because Chinese people take their food seriously, so even in a medium-sized city like Nanning, there has to be a street like Zhongshan Road. As one of the top ten gourmet streets in Nanning, Zhongshan Road is popular in Nanning for foodie travelers. In an old part of the city center, dozens of street restaurants and food stalls pile up local delicacies, such as squid kebabs, grilled oysters, roasted pigeon, fermented fruits and vegetables, stinky tofu, and noodles of all kinds, revealing the strong market culture. The alignment of skewers is a feast for the eyes and the mix of smells changes every time when something new is grilled. Snacks are popular not only among the locals but also among many tourists. It takes ten minutes to walk in the daytime, but it is almost impossible to walk at night. There will be more than ten customers waiting to taste the food in front of each stall. The food here shares many similarities with that of Cantonese cuisine. It is about the freshness, tenderness and nourishment of the dishes. Besides local flavor, by virtue of its unique geographical location, Nanning has also brought together and integrated the cuisine from Southeast Asian countries and regions, enriching people’s choices. You will have more problems staying focused, since most of the food here is delicious. It is very busy all night. From 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., diners enjoy themselves here.
  Nightlife in Nanning can be best embodied in the Zhongshan Road Snack Street which tucked away behind the Yongjiang Hotel along the main river and the commercial zone.

  Folk Song Lake:An intergration of quietness and busyness
  Located between Jinhu Square Business District and Hangyang International Business District, Folk Song Lake (Minge Lake) is an important leisure and entertainment place in the core area of Langdong CBD. It provides a new charming tourist area integrating tourism, leisure bars and cultural entertainment. The night views of Folk Song Lake are fascinating. As long as you have stayed in Folk Song Lake at night, few people will not fall in love with it, because in addition to the architectural community that can be seen in the daytime, the lighting design of Folk Song Lake at night is quite painstaking. After nightfall, the neon lights in Folk Song Lake are flashing. Against the colorful neon lights, the buildings feature unique characteristics which are different from that of daytime. Young people in beautiful clothes walk into the bar to drink and have fun with friends and talk with each other, releasing the fatigue of the day. Besides its busyness, the Folk Song Lake also has a different side. It also functions as a tranquillizer to the busy metropolitan world. After partying, people can take a battery boat or a pedal boat to enjoy the night scenery of Folk Song Lake. Along the lake, a large number of landmark buildings and scenic spots slowly unfold. A tour along the lake just like traveling in the timeline of Nanning from ancient times to the present. Late at night, it is a good place for people to enjoy the breeze or to see the starry sky reflected in the water on boats. In addition, the natural environment has provided local people with fantastic places to walk and rest in the evening.

  Located between Jinhu Square Business District and Hangyang International Business District, Folk Song Lake (Minge Lake) is an important leisure and entertainment place in the core area of Langdong CBD.
  Three Streets and Two Lanes: A combination of modernness and tradition
  “Three Streets and Two Lanes” refer to three old streets — Xingning Road, Minsheng Road and Jiefang Road, and two ancient lanes — Golden Lion Lane and Silver Lion Lane. The historical and cultural block Three Streets and Two Lanes have preserved many architectural complexes in the early Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the late Qing Dynasty (1636-1912). The old houses with green bricks and black tiles reflect the diligence and wisdom of ancient craftsmen. The arcades connected together contain the historical and cultural customs of the “old Nanning” and witness the changes of time. At night, when the lights are on, Three Streets and Two Lanes are becoming more and more lively. There are some traditional food, ancient streets and various museums of the old Nanning. Sugar painting, paper fan painting, hand-made handicrafts and other traditional handicrafts and intangible cultural heritage products attract lots of people to visit. A series of cultural exhibition halls and art centers such as Lijiang Bookstore are also crowded with people in the evening. Local well-known restaurants with famous historical and cultural characteristics and Guangxi time-honored brand stores can be seen everywhere. Buildings here not only have a profound cultural and historical flavor, but also show the fashion and prosperity of the modern city. Starbucks, KFC and other international famous chain brands have established their presences here, adding vitality to the ancient buildings. After one day’s work, people will gather here to chat, to drink or to hang around. What a leisurely life!
  The nightlife in this city is vibrant, and when the lights switch on at the dusk, the cityscape looks irresistibly dazzling. Its night is as wonderful as day! Come and join the most wonderful nightlife in Nanning.
柬埔寨,我所了解的不多,只是从以前看过的《波尔布特》里了解过一点红色高棉,也看过一些旅行书,知道这是个佛教国家,风景优美。听说这次“新诗典”诗会要去柬埔寨,我在柏林就已经心动了。  我们一行人,先在广东虎门汇集,然后再坐飛机去金边。从冰天雪地的北京来到温暖的虎门,一下进入了另外一个世界。  第二天,我们在一家饭馆的包间召开“虎门·柬埔寨2019新诗典”诗会,同时也颁发了第三届“亚洲诗人奖”。奖是民
我们喜爱花市,不仅仅是因为花卉的迷人与多彩,更重要的是,每一个花市都是一座城市或者一种文化的浓缩。穿梭其中,看着熙熙攘攘的人群,闻着扑鼻而来的花香,纯朴的市井气息与厚重的历史感亦弥漫而来。  东南亚位于亚洲东南部,包括中南半岛和马来群岛两大部分。中南半岛大部分地区为热带季风气候,一年中有旱季和雨季之分,而马来群岛的大部分地区属热带雨林气候,终年高温多雨,分布着茂密的热带雨林。得天独厚的地理环境,为
坐在一楼的餐厅里已经是午后,我隔着窗户望着湿漉漉的街道,街上的人皮肤略黑,缓慢地走在街上,看着过路人脸上的表情和着装,我猜测着屋外的气温和湿度,4个半小时午夜飞行所带来的疲惫已散,菲律宾宿务,一个充满着传奇色彩的城市,接下来的几天我要探寻这里的细枝末节。  今天恰好是周日,对于宿务来说周日是尤为神圣的一天,这一天你最能体会到信仰的震撼。菲律宾85%的人信奉天主教,起因是1521年一个即将完成人类伟
关于作者:一位没有定位的写手、敦煌学爱好者、沙发客、背包客、语言学爱好者。梦想是仗剑走天涯,15岁开始独自周游全国,19岁开始独自周游世界。  生命孤舟  从嘉峪关向敦煌前行,绵延五百里的戈壁是河西走廊最后一抹色彩,沿途不见生命的迹象,仅有沙漠绿植零星装点。听说运气好能遇见路边奔腾的野骆驼,奈何我是没这个运气了。  坐在车窗边的乘客也能切身地感受到焦灼大地的问候,热气透过缝隙,和满天风沙一起钻进车
印尼苏门答腊地区属热带雨林气候,全年高温多雨。约400年前,当地土著米南加保人在水稻收割完毕后牵上自家的牛,在稻田举行奔牛比赛,庆祝丰收。如今,这项稻田赛牛活动,不仅是当地重要的民俗,更是吸引了世界各地的游客前来观看。那惊险刺激的场面,让所见者终身难忘。  执牛尾的丰收庆典  巴东是苏门答腊的省会,也是古老民族米南佳保人的故乡。据历史记载,1347年,米南佳保人在此建立了自己的王国巴佳鲁勇(Pag
关于作者:沉默不是妥协,也不是懦弱,它是一種温柔的反击。  抹谷(Mogok)是缅甸曼德勒省彬乌伦县下辖的一个城市。距曼德勒北二百公里,距中缅国境四百五十公里。在二零一八年以前这里还不允许外国人出入,目前还保留着完好的当地建筑,在英国的长期殖民下,以西式建筑居多。这里气候宜人,冬暖夏凉,冬季早晚温差大,总体来说气候和云南的昆明相似。  “宝石之都”抹谷  提到抹谷,珠宝商人一定对这里很熟悉,这个隐
Are you still wondering where to go during the hot summer season? You shouldn't keep yourself trapped in the city all summer long, so pack a bag to explore! Here is an amazing resort for your getaway.
在泰国,向来是不乏古城、古寺的遗迹,曼谷玉佛寺、清迈素贴双龙寺、大城马哈泰寺,都是泰国人如数家珍的宝藏景点,但若提到华富里,乐天知命的当地人一定会问你,“是来看猴的吧?”也不知从何时起,这座位于泰国南部的静谧小城,流着高棉和大城血液的三朝古都,成了猴子猴孙们啸聚山林的乐土,而那些前来华富里看古迹的游客,都以为误入了花果山。  泰国华富里,世界猴子城  在华富里,人们的记忆中似乎没有猴子不在的场景。
When you encounter the InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland, you will be greeted by quiet luxury, exotic flora and fauna, world-class cuisine and warm smiles. Developed by Shimao Group and managed by
还记得2008年播出的新加坡电视剧《小娘惹》吗?当年一经播出便在整个东南亚地区产生空前影响力,创下多个收视纪录;后来《小娘惹》被引进中国内地,在多个地面频道播出,同样创下收视佳绩,给不少观众留下深刻的记忆。时隔12年《小娘惹》被翻拍,直上热搜,成为热门话题,“娘惹风”再度刮起。  “峇峇娘惹”,娘惹文化的起源  早年,大量华人从中国南方漂洋过海到南洋一带,在那里落地生根,和当地土著通婚以后繁衍后代