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本文报道了南通市赴缅甸、马来西亚某团组9人中有5名在境外旅行期问感染登革热。为了解本起病例的基本情况,从而为国际旅行者提供防范登革热的知识及措施,作者对所有团组成员均采用了流行病学个案调查和血清学检验。据资料记载该团组所前往的地区、时间上处于流行季节。流行病学调查结果说明,团组成员在外旅行期间均受到了媒介昆虫侵袭,且与驻当地的一类似感冒的中方人员有接触史,结合本病的潜伏期间和5例病人的发病情况推断,感染地为缅甸。临床表现:5例病人均有发病急骤、高热、畏寒、全身肌肉酸痛、食欲减退、恶心呕吐、猩红热样皮疹等登革热症状、体征;血清学检验均查出D_3血凝抑制抗体,最高滴度≥1:10,240,最低滴度为1:2,560。通过对本起登革热病例的调查,作者提出(1)应加强国际旅行者对登革热的个人防护意识,如外出时涂驱蚊油,使用蚊帐。(2)对传入病例应立即隔离,做好防蚊、灭蚊工作,以免该病的传入和流行。(3)世界范围内大部分热带地区的登革热或出血热的发病率剧增,近十年来的发病人数已超过以往25年(1956~1980)的病例总数。我国相当部份地区还存在登革热传播媒介,加之人群普通易感,应加以警惕。 This article reports that 5 of 9 people from Nantong to Myanmar and a group in Malaysia were asked to have dengue fever during their overseas travel. In order to understand the basic situation of this case and to provide international travelers with knowledge and measures to prevent dengue fever, the author used epidemiological case studies and serological tests on all team members. According to the information recorded in the group to the area, time is in the popular season. The results of epidemiological survey indicated that all the group members were affected by the media insects while traveling abroad and had contact history with a Chinese-like person living in the local area. Based on the latent period of this disease and the incidence of 5 patients, Infection for Burma. Clinical manifestations: 5 patients had a sudden onset, fever, chills, body soreness, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, scarlet fever-like rash and other dengue symptoms and signs; serological tests were detected D_3 hemagglutination inhibition antibody, the highest titer ≥1: 10,240, the lowest titer is 1: 2,560. Based on a survey of dengue cases, the authors suggest (1) that international travelers should be more aware of dengue fever, such as mosquito repellent on mosquitoes and mosquito nets. (2) The incoming cases should be quarantined immediately to prevent mosquitoes and mosquitoes from working so as to prevent the spread of the disease. (3) The incidence of dengue or haemorrhagic fever in most tropical areas in the world has been on the rise. The incidence of dengue or haemorrhagic fever in the past ten years has surpassed the total number of cases in the past 25 years (1956-1980). A considerable part of our country still exists Dengue media, coupled with the general population susceptible, should be vigilant.
一时夫妻,男的沉默寡言,女的快嘴快舌,喋喋不休,他们一起过日子,转眼过去了50年。庆祝金婚的那天夜里,妻子说:“老头子呀,咱们搞个纪念仪式庆祝金婚吧!” “老婆子呀,这是个好主意。为了
一、利用解方程判断函数零点个数例1函数f(x)={x2+2x-3,x≤0,-2+ln x,x>0的零点个数为A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3解当x≤0时,令x2+2x-3=0,解得x=-3;当x>0时,令-2+ln x=0,解得x=e2.所以,
以下是据美国硅谷 PeopleSoft 总裁戴夫·达菲尔德分几次传达给公司职工的备忘录略加整理后的版本。该版本于1997年6月传达给职工。 The following is a slightly revised v