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2001年,感觉中国酒界正普遍受到方向感迷失的困扰,酒界的竞争一下子集中在对终端市场的低层次争夺战上,感觉大家在迷茫和困惑之中正无奈于左冲右突的烦恼,认为酒界应该在营销手段、营销方向、营销模式、竞争手段等方面寻找新的方向了,于是就在《酒界突围》中提出了“酒友俱乐部营销”的构想,之后在酒界听到的是一片“突围”声,于是也就为酒界的这种觉醒高兴。考虑到现在的市场情况,酒界更多的是在挣扎,是各家在挣扎之中求得自己在未来酒界的一席生存之地现在中国酒界所进行的“突围”不亚于一场“战争”是“战争”就卜必然要出现英雄,酒界实现“突围”、出现“英雄”的时间有可能在明年,因此决定策划一了个名为“寻找酒界英雄”的活动.其中涉及贵州酒比较深,再者考虑到、无论是从贵州酒在中国酒界的地位还是从贵州酒这几年的发展来说,在“寻找酒界英雄”活动之中,都应该对贵州酒有所思考和反映,绝不能缺失“贵州酒”这一笔。于是就作此文,算是完成朋友之约也正好为“寻找酒界英雄”的活动,提前向贵州酒界的朋友们打一声招呼。 In 2001, the Chinese wine industry was feeling the general feeling of being lost and confused. The competition in the wine industry suddenly focused on the low-end battle for the terminal market. I feel that everyone is confused and puzzled, , That the wine industry should find new directions in the marketing means, marketing direction, marketing mode, means of competition, etc., so in the “Wine Breakthrough” put forward the idea of ​​“wine club marketing ”, after the wine What the community heard was a “breakout” sound, so happy for the awakening of the wine world. Taking into account the current market conditions, the wine industry is more struggling, is struggling to find their own sake in the future wine industry, a place to survive Now Chinese wine industry carried out “Breakthrough” as much as A “war” is the “war” is bound to appear on the Bu Bu hero, the wine industry to achieve “break out”, the emergence of “hero ” time may be next year, so decided to plan a name “Looking for wine industry hero.” Which involves more deep wine in Guizhou, and then taking into account, both from the status of Guizhou wine in the Chinese wine industry or Guizhou wine from the development of these years, in the Wine industry hero “activity, should think and reflect Guizhou wine, must not be missing ” Guizhou wine “this one. So for this article, be considered a friend of the completion of the contract is also just for ”looking for wine industry hero" activities, Guizhou wine sector in advance to say hello to friends.
Thetwonecessitiestheoryisnottodiscoverhistoricincidents ,buttodiscloseahistorictrend .Asa historictrend ,thesetwonecessitiesareconfrontedwiththeRealObstruction
省政府最近发出嘉奖令,授予成都铁路分局“四川省交通运输安全先进单位”称号,以表彰该局连续两千天无行车重大事故和大事故,实现了第五个安全年,创造了成都 The provincia
铁道部透露,在2001年第4次提速的基础上,中国铁路还将于2003年和2005年实施两次大提速,届时中国铁路提速总里程将由现在的1.3万公里延伸到1.6万公里。 According to the Mi