
来源 :东方艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sanlyye
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杨力舟、王迎春夫妇都来自黄土地,带着一股浑朴厚重的生命气息进入主流画坛,并以天衣无缝的合作为同行所瞩目。在20世纪80年代,他们颂美奔腾咆哮的黄河、搏浪激水的好汉、为民族解放事业献身的先烈,并以写实的手法、浪漫的精神、强悍的风格、质朴的笔墨为基本特色。20世纪90年代以降,他们寻求变革,不再满足于写实主义的画风,但又不甘心复归趣味古旧的文人写意画,亦不愿追随时髦,趋附现代主义潮流。转而从民间艺术汲取营养,以民俗生活获取灵感,把遥远的故乡记忆凝为相对欢快活泼的变形表现,而并不改变内在趣味的素朴。在变革过程中,这对夫妇艺术家依然十分默契,虽各有独立个性,仍能亲密合作,如出一手。 Yang Li Zhou, Wang Yingchun couples are from the Yellow Earth, with a thick simple life into the mainstream art scene, and the seamless cooperation for the team attracted the attention. In the 1980s, they praised the Pentium roaring Yellow River, their boisterous martyrs and their dedicated martyrs for the national liberation cause. They were characterized by realistic techniques, romantic spirits, tough style and simple brushwork. In the 1990s, when they sought reform and no longer satisfied with the style of realism, they were not willing to return to the ancient scholarly freehand brushwork paintings. They also did not want to follow the trend of fashion and trend of modernism. Instead, it draws on nutrition from folk art, takes inspiration from folk life, and condenses distant hometown memories into a relatively lively deformation performance without changing the simple and naive nature of inner taste. In the process of change, the couple artists are still very understanding, although each has its own personality, still close cooperation, such as out of hand.
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