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去年各地的护林工作,一般说是有成绩的。但火灾仍极严重,森林火灾达二千七百余次,烧毁林木约二六○万立米。今后必须严重注意护林防火工作,建立与健全林业行政机构及群众护林组织,对干部及群众进行护林防火的宣传教育,以贯澈中央护林政策。现值春季防火时期,尤应在足以引起林野火灾的地区,严禁烧荒,烧垦,积极说服群众,以人工割草代替烧荒,烧垦,即希切实布置督 Last year’s forest protection work around the country was generally successful. However, the fire was still extremely serious with forest fires reaching over 2,700 times and burning about 260,000 cubic meters of trees. In the future, we must pay great attention to the work of forest fire prevention, establish and improve the forestry administrative agencies and the mass organizations for forest protection, and propagandize and educate cadres and the masses on forest fire prevention so as to consistently safeguard the central forest policy. Present value During the spring fire prevention period, especially in the areas that can cause wild fires in forests and areas, it is strictly forbidden to burn wasteland and cultivate cultivated land. Actively persuade the masses and replace them with artificial mowing instead of burning or burning grass.
防护林能够调节和改变局部地区气候。冬暖夏凉:夏季遮光蔽日,平均温度比周围无林区约低3℃左右;冬季是一座天然的挡风墙,过 Shelterbelt can regulate and change the clim
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关于OA⊥OB的平面解析几何问题用三角函数定义可以获得巧解,本文介绍了这种方法并给出了相关的结论,还用这种方法解答了一些高考题和竞赛题,可供解题者借鉴. On the OA ⊥ O
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