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The shortage of groundwater resources is a considerable challenge for winter wheat production on the North China Plain.Water-saving technologies and procedures
Puccinia striiformis Westend.f.sp.tritici Erikss.(Pst)infects wheat and causes stripe rust.The rust is heteroecious with wheat as the primary uredinial and teli
为探讨维生素C对克氏原螯虾生长及非特异性免疫机能的影响,以初始体质量(3.19±0.06)g的克氏原螯虾为试验对象,分别投喂维生素C添加量为0(对照),30、60、120、240和480 mg/kg
In modern pig breeding programs,growth and fatness are vital economic traits that significantly influence porcine production.To identify underlying variants and
Ratoon rice cropping is an important component of the rice cropping system in Texas and south Louisiana,USA,and expanded to Asian countries in 1970.Two field st
Cuticular proteins(CPs)are major components of the insect cuticle-associated organs such as integument and wings,although the importance of CPs for wing develop
This experiment explored the effects of single application of seven types of slow-and controlled-release fertilizers on rice yield and various population charac
近日,国家反诈中心发现,有不法分子利用腾讯会议视频会议、共享屏幕等功能实施冒充公检法诈骗。  下面通过一位受害事主的受骗过程加以分析:  受骗实录:“2021年1月17日14时18分,我接到‘+65945673963’给我打来的电话,通话时长18分37秒,对方自称是天津市公安局户籍管理科的民警,自己叫江鑫,警号060122,说我有个从越南到哈尔滨太平国际机场的非法入境记录,之后我说我没有。”  民
近期,乌苏市公安局根据“云剑2021”和“惊雷1号”专项行动部署,在海南、湖南两地公安机关的支持配合下,通过缜密侦查、全链条打击工作,成功侦破乌苏市“2·01”特大系列诈骗案,成功打掉诈骗窝点1个,洗钱窝点1个,倒卖银行卡窝点1个,共抓获犯罪嫌疑人10人,当场扣押现金赃款51.78万元,脚本编剧5个,收缴一批電脑、手机、银行卡、流量宝等作案工具。  2月2日,乌苏市公安局接辖区居民陈某报警称:1月