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一、服务——证券交易所的基本职能 当今世界经济竞争日益激烈,全球都在争夺资金,证券市场作为资金市场的重要组成部分,其核心枢纽——各证券交易所,为了吸引更多资金,扩大规模,发展自身,都将服务意识摆在重要位置,纷纷建立完善、高效的服务体系,如采取现代化的手段,提供便捷的交易方式以及收取低廉的费用等等,以提高自身的竞争力,与此同时也促进相应的证券市场的发展。 作为新中国第一家交易所——深圳证券交易所也毫无例外地将服务作为其基本职能放在首要地位。 从成立之始,国家就确定深圳证券交易所为会员制交易所,一个不以营利为目的,实行自律性管理的会员制法人。会员大会作为深交所的最高权力机构,设立理事会作为常设机 First, the service - the basic functions of the stock exchange In today’s world of increasingly fierce economic competition, the global competition for funds, the securities market as an important part of the capital markets, the core hub - the various stock exchanges, in order to attract more funds, Expanding the scale and developing itself all put the service consciousness in an important position. We have set up perfect and efficient service system in succession, such as adopting modern means, providing convenient transaction methods and charging low fees and so on, in order to enhance their own competitiveness, At the same time, it also promotes the development of the securities market. As the first exchange in new China, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange also places service as its primary function without exception. From its inception, the state has determined that the Shenzhen Stock Exchange is a membership exchange, a non-profit-making, self-regulated member institution. As a member of the General Assembly, the highest authority of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the establishment of the council as a permanent machine
从古老的音乐文物中我们可以聆听到远古文明渐行渐近的足音,中华文明鲜活而富生命力的形象,给我们的心灵带来震撼和感动。 From the ancient musical relics, we can hear t
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目的 从噬菌体肽库筛选TNF α相关短肽 ,为临床上治疗肿瘤奠定基础。方法 用可溶性TNF受体Ⅰ (sTNFRⅠ )筛选噬菌体随机 12肽库 ,利用细胞毒效应进行生物学效应筛选 ,再进
嘻哈已死?不不不,是Auto Tune已死,嘻哈复兴,而且它在变得更加具有生命力。嘻哈与电子,摇滚,流行甚至民谣等曲风的跨界合作以及融合,边说边唱的讨好曲风,新生代逐渐接过老炮
简介使用草甘膦灭除白茅的施药期、施药量、施药次数及注意事项。 Introduction Glyphosate is used to eliminate the application period, application rate, application