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英刊《新左翼评论》2009年11—12月号刊登了著名阶级理论学者埃里克·奥林·赖特题为《理解阶级》的文章,综合分析了三种阶级理论的优缺点,并在此基础上提出了一种综合性的新的分析框架,并利用这个新的阶级分析框架,分析了当代资本主义尤其是美国的阶级状况。文章内容如下。笔者从20世纪70年代中期开始撰写有关阶级方面的文章,当时笔者认为马克思主义与实证主义社会科学是两种有着根本性差 The New Left Review of the British Journal published the article entitled “Understanding Class” by Eric Olin Wright, a well-known class scholar, in November-December 2009, which comprehensively analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the three class theories. On this basis, a comprehensive new analysis framework is put forward, and the new class analysis framework is used to analyze the class status of contemporary capitalism, especially the United States. The article reads as follows. From the mid-1970s, the author began to write about class issues. At the time, I thought that Marxist and positivist social sciences are two fundamental differences
《清明上河图·2013》日前在连州国际摄影展展出。当年,北宋画家张择端创作的《清明上河图》,把汴京郊外春光、汴河场景、汴城街市栩栩如生的美丽景色收归笔下。再来看这幅《清明上河图·2013》,它所描绘的都是近年来发生的热点事件,“我爸是李刚”“城管打人”等,反映了当今社会阴暗的一面。日前,这幅25米长的“新清明上河图”在网络上火了。  正声音:我们不妨把这幅“新清明上河图”看成是一幅警示图,一本反面
Frankfurt Book Fair,one of the most important publication events in the world,is known as the “Olympics in the publishing industry”.The first modern Frankfurt
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