BICES 2013加速工程机械创新突破

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2013年10月15~18日,第十二届中国(北京)国际工程机械、建材机械及矿山机械展览与技术交流会(BICES 2013)在北京成功举行。本届展会以“先机天下,价值创新”为主题,不仅展现了中国工程机械产业和各相关企业在调结构、转方式上所取得的丰硕成果,在夯基础、攻高端、强管理、转型升级方面所取得的突出业绩,而且从应急救援装备展到创新设计大赛,从行业责任的弘扬到工程机械文化的推广,从企业新产品发布到产品现场演示等多个角度集中展示了中国乃至世界工程机械产业发展的最新风貌。受国家宏观调控和经济转型的双重影响,以及国家基础设施建设速度放缓、下游需求低 From October 15 to October 18, 2013, the 12th China (Beijing) International Engineering Machinery, Building Materials Machinery and Mining Machinery Exhibition and Technology Conference (BICES 2013) was successfully held in Beijing. The theme of this year’s exhibition, which is based on the theme of “pioneering the world and value innovation”, shows not only the fruitful achievements made by China’s construction machinery industry and related enterprises in adjusting the structure and switching modes, , Transformation and upgrading achieved outstanding performance, but also from the emergency rescue equipment exhibition to innovative design competition, from industry to carry forward the responsibility to promote the construction machinery culture, from the company’s new product launches to the scene and other products on-site demonstration focused on China And even the latest construction machinery industry in the world. Under the dual influence of the state macroeconomic regulation and control and economic restructuring, as well as the slowdown of the national infrastructure construction and the low demand of the downstream
We report a high conversion efficiency Q-switched Nd∶YVO4/KTiOAsO4 (KTA) intracavity optical parametric oscillator (IOPO) operating near 3.5 μm based on direc
BICES 2013如期而至,在展会上,我与张云龙先生初次见面,便被他的儒雅友善所感染。当他微笑着招呼我们坐下,并主动把手机调成静音,我意识到,事先准备好的种种开场白是多余的,
经济结构调整和巨大的环保压力给此次BICES 2013展会刻上了鲜明的印记.观察行业上市公司近期公布的三季度报表,我们仍然不敢轻言触底,包括卡特彼勒在内的几大巨头三季度经营
Germanium waveguide photodetectors with 4 μm widths and various lengths are fabricated on silicon-on-insulator substrates by selective epitaxial growth.The dep
BICES 2013,徐工集团首次以全室内场馆形式亮相,为室内第一大参展商。徐工参展产品全都是近几年根据市场需求研发、具有自主知识产权、比肩国际前沿科技的新产品。展出的LW80
Acoustic one-way manipulations have recently attracted significant attention due to the deep implications in many diverse fields such as biomedical imaging and