
来源 :图书馆建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:emydisk
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各位领导、各位来宾、同志们:今天我们欢聚一起,共同庆祝黑龙江省图书馆开馆三十周年。省委常委、宣传部部长单荣范同志,省人大副主任戚贵元同志、嵇华同志,副省长戴谟安同志于百忙之中来参加我们的大会,这充分体现了党和政府对图书馆事业的关心和重视。省委、省政府领导机关和许多兄弟系统的同志特意赶来参加大会。大专院校和科研机关图书馆的代表带来了兄弟单位的深情厚意。参加大会的还有图书馆的忠实读者,他们利用馆藏资料创造了不平凡的业绩。在各个历史时期曾在省图书馆工作过,为省馆的发展、壮大做出贡献,现在已离开省馆、或者已经离休、退休的许多同志也来到了这里,其中包括首任馆长张雁同志、第二任馆长王宝成等同志。今天的庆祝会可以说是高朋满座,贵宾如云。在此,我谨代表省文管会向各位领导和来宾表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!向已经离馆、离休和退休 Ladies and gentlemen, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today we gather together to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the opening of Heilongjiang Provincial Library. Comrade Shan Rongfan, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, Comrade Qi Guiyuan, deputy commander of the Provincial People’s Congress, Comrade Gao Hua and Vice-Governor Comrade Democrate attended the conference in their busy schedule. This fully demonstrates that the party and the government Museum of the cause of concern and attention. The leading organs of the provincial party committee and government and many fraternal comrades came to attend the meeting. The representatives of universities and research institutes libraries have brought their fraternal compassion. Also present at the conference were loyal readers of the library, who used the collections to create extraordinary performance. During various historical periods, he worked in the provincial library and contributed to the development and growth of the provincial pavilion. Now he has left the provincial pavilion or has already retired. Many comrades who have retired have also come here, including Zhang Yan, Comrade, Wang Baocheng, the second director and other comrades. Today’s celebration can be said to be filled with friends, VIPs such as clouds. Here, I would like to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the leaders and guests on behalf of the provincial literary and political commission. Already out of the hall, retired and retired
第七届安阳市青少年创造发明比赛成绩于近日揭晓,国家级重点职高安阳县第一职业高中摘取了这次活动的220块奖牌。 The results of the 7th Anyang Youth Creation Inventio