Cross-breeding of Different Geological Populations of Scallop, Chlamys farreri

来源 :High Technology Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangcwx
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Wild populations of Chlamys farreri derived from Japan and China are used as parents in a cross breeding experiment conducted in Zhangzi Island of Liaoning Province in the early May of 2000. Four different first filial generations of the crossbreeding, namely JC, CJ, CC and JJ, which represent different cross combinations of the parents, are differentiated from each other in some observed quantitative traits including survival rate, hatchery rate and attachment rate, etc. By ANOVA analysis, significant differences in growth rate are found among the four populations of the offspring after one year of culturing in Shandong Province. JJ population shows the fastest growth rate and has shell height of 46.1±0.71(SD)mm in average, whereas the other three populations, CC, CJ and JC, has the shell height of 43.1±0.42mm, 41.5±0.48mm and 37.2 ±0.31mm, respectively. No heterosis is detected in the experiment. Wild populations of Chlamys farreri derived from Japan and China are used as parents in a cross breeding experiment conducted in Zhangzi Island of Liaoning Province in the early May of 2000. Four different first filial generations of the crossbreeding, namely JC, CJ, CC and JJ , which represent different cross combinations of the parents, are differentiated from each other in some observed quantitative traits including survival rate, hatchery rate and attachment rate, etc. By ANOVA analysis, significant differences in growth rate are found among the four populations of the offspring after one year of culturing in Shandong Province. JJ population shows the fastest growth rate and has shell height of 46.1 ± 0.71 (SD) mm in average, while the other three populations, CC, CJ and JC, has the shell height of 43.1 ± 0.42mm, 41.5 ± 0.48mm and 37.2 ± 0.31mm, respectively. No heterosis was detected in the experiment.
设△ABC的三边分别为a、b、c,面积为S,则 a~2+b~2+c~2≥4(3~(1/2)S)当且仅当a=b=c时等号成立,这就是著名的Weisenbock不等式。对此不等式,本文将其推广到三维空间中的四面体
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