
来源 :特区经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:InsideADONET
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位于中国深圳东部,总面积840km~2,辖10镇,人口193万的龙岗区,自1993年1月1日建区以来,发生了沧桑巨变,神奇般地崛起。 10年开拓耕耘,10年春华秋实。建区10年来,龙岗人以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指针,锐意创新、开拓进取,社会经济发展突飞猛进,精神文明建设成就斐然。2002年,龙岗区国内生产总值达252亿元,是建区初的7.7倍;预算内财政收入20.5亿元,是建区初的8.5倍。 10年来,龙岗初步实现了从行政统管到现代城市经营理念的跨越,从农村向城市化的跨越,从传统农业向现代工业的跨越。 用“十六大精神”解读龙岗十年,我们可以强烈地感受到龙岗区“创新、创业、创建”的辉煌历程。 Located in the east of Shenzhen, China, with a total area of ​​840km ~ 2, Longgang District, with 10 townships and a population of 1.93 million, has undergone tremendous changes since its establishment on January 1, 1993 and has magically risen. 10 years of pioneering work, 10 years Chunhua Qiu. In the 10 years since the establishment of the district, Longgang people take Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of “Three Represents” as guidelines, strive to innovate and forge ahead, make rapid progress in social and economic development and make remarkable achievements in building spiritual civilization. In 2002, the GDP of Longgang District reached 25.2 billion yuan, 7.7 times that of the beginning of the establishment of the district; and the financial revenue within the budget was 2.05 billion yuan, 8.5 times that of the beginning of the establishment of the district. In the past 10 years, Longgang initially realized its leap from administrative control to modern city management concept, leaping from rural area to urbanization and leaping from traditional agriculture to modern industry. Using the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the CPC to interpret Longgang ten years, we can strongly feel the glorious course of “innovation, entrepreneurship and creation” in Longgang District.
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坚持以工业化为核心战略以体制创新和科技创新为动力加快对外开放合作步伐实现江西在中部地区地崛起 Adhere to the Industrialization as the Core Strategy, Take Institu
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