Guardian of the island 岛上的守护者

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  Morandi, known as Italy’s Robinson Cru?soe, has been the sole resident and guardian of the island for 32 years. Now, after decades of protecting one of Italy’s most beautiful islands, Mauro Morandi decided to quit his job, re?sponding to years of pressure from authorities who have asked him to leave.
  Maddalena Archipelago National Park consists of seven islands. Budelli is considered the most beautiful among them for its Pink Beach. In the early 1990s, Pink Beach was listed as a place of "high natural value"by the Italian government. The beach was closed off to protect its fragile ecosystem——only some areas remain acces?sible to visitors——and the island rapidly went from hosting thousands of people a day to hosting just one.
  Morandi guarded Budelli’s environment greatly and educated visitors about the ecosystem and how to protect it. Morandi said that teaching people how to see beauty will save the world from ex- ploitation(录。肖U). "I would like people to understand that we must try not to look at beauty, but feel
  beauty with our eyes closed,"he says.
  Winters on Budelli are both beautiful and lonely. Morandi spent most of his time without any hu?man contact. He often sat on the beach with nothing but the sounds of the wind and waves to interrupt the silence. Meanwhile, he took many pictures of the island, surprised at ho% it changes from hour to hour, season to season.
  When Wi-Fi inevitably (不可避免地)found its way to this nearly unpopulated island, Morandi adopted it and began sharing his paradise with the world through social media. This new form of com?munication helps him a lot in building a bond between people and nature by exposing them to its beauty. A bond Morandi hopes will motivate people to care for the planet wherever they are.
  1. What caused Morandi to leave the island?
  A. His loneliness. B. His family’s request.
  C. Pressure from the public. D. The government’s order.
  2. What happened to Pink Beach in the early 1990s?
  A. It was rebuilt to attract more tourists.
  B. It was listed as one of seven islands in Italy.
  C. It was closed off to protect its environment.
  D. It was polluted by visitors greatly.
  3. Which of the following words can best describe Morandi’s life on the island?
  A. Lonely but meaningful. B. Miserable and hopeless.
  C. Cold and boring. D. Noisy and busy.
  4. What does the underlined word "its"in the last paragraph refer to?
  A. Communication’s. B. Nature’s.
  D. Paradise’s.
  Difficult sentence
  Meanwhile, he took many pictures of the island, surprised at how it changes from hour to hour, season to season.與此同时,他给这个岛拍了许多照片,惊讶于它在不同时段、不同季节 之间的变化。
  【点石成金】本句中surprised at how it changes from hour to hour, season to season作伴随状语%
Winter comes as it intends,  Cold like a flower,  A flower has its balm,  A winter has something to remember.  A shadow of a rotten twig, thin like black smoke  Before the window of this afternoon dra
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主题感知·素养解读  野生动物与我们共同生活在同一片蓝天下,是人类的好朋友。保护野生动物,让它们得以正常繁衍,对于改善自然环境,维护生态平衡,丰富我们的文化生活具有非凡的意义。但是,近些年来,野生动物的生存和繁衍受到了极大的威脅,它们的数量急剧下降。人类在这过程中又扮演着何等角色呢?关于野生动物保护,我们能做的有哪些?