
来源 :鸭绿江(下半月版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liushenglg
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前方的道路在蔓延,路旁的青山在蜿蜒,放目远望,一切都已消逝在了远方的天际线上。而远方,只有晴朗的天空。——题记天空很蓝,站在城市的一角,眺望远方的天空,是一种让人沉醉的蓝色。城市是喧闹的,在物欲横流的时代里,新潮时尚、金钱名利向我们奔来,冲击着我们的生活。在这里,我们很多人都踉踉跄跄,几乎失去了重心,摔倒在泥潭里。纵使我们站稳了脚跟,经过时间的淘洗,有些东西已褪色,而这些,却是生活的本色。 In front of the road is spreading, the roadside green hills meandering, looking away, everything has faded in the distant horizon. The distance, only the clear sky. - Inscription blue sky, standing in the corner of the city, overlooking the sky from afar, is a people intoxicated blue. City is noisy, in the materialistic era, trendy fashion, money, fame and fortune to us, impacting our lives. Here, many of us are staggering, losing almost the center of gravity and falling in the quagmire. Even though we have a firm foothold, some things have faded after time’s washing, but these are the true colors of life.
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目的:观察输尿管狭窄患者2例,分析输尿管狭窄的原因及预防措施。方法:病例1,男性,48岁,右输尿管上段结石1.5 cm,合并右肾中度积水。病例2,女性,60岁,左输尿管上段结石并中度
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