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“神夹杯”上海档案信息网知识竞赛说明 为促进广大档案工作者和普通网民通过“上海档案信息网”,加深对上海档案工作的了解,对上海发展变化的了解,同时进一步推动和促进“上海档案信息网”更好地为社会公众服务,扩大对上海档案信息资源的充分利用,上海市档案局馆特举办“神夹杯”上海档案信息网知识竞赛,竞赛试题内容均来源于“上海档案信息网”各个栏目。 本次竞赛设100道单项选择题,请将您认为的正确答案用钢笔或圆珠笔在答题纸上相应的方格内涂黑,并在答题纸上填写姓名、单位、证件号码、联系地址等,然后将答题纸剪下装人信封内,贴足邮票于 2002年 8月 31日之前(以当地邮戳为准)寄至上海市仙霞路326号上海市档案馆档案利用部网站信息采编科(邮编200336)。 本次竞赛设一等奖一名,奖价值3000元数码相机一台;二等奖两名,各奖价值2000元MD一台;二等奖三名,各奖价值1000元打印机一台;纪念奖50名,各奖价值200元移动存储设备一台,以上奖品个调税自理。在答题得分相同的情况下,以对“上海档案信息网”建议内容的价值大小作为评判标准。 本次竟赛的试题将同时在“上海档案信息网”(httP://www.archives.sh.cn)上刊登,参赛者可通过在线方式竟答。 本次竟赛的获奖名单和正确答案将在2002年第六期《 “God clip Cup” Shanghai Archives Information Network Knowledge Competition To promote the majority of archivists and ordinary Internet users through the “Shanghai Archives Information Network” to deepen the understanding of the Shanghai archives work to understand the development of Shanghai, while further promoting and promoting “ Shanghai Archives Information Network ”to better serve the public, to expand the full utilization of Shanghai archives information resources, Shanghai Archives Hall held a special“ Magic Cup ”Shanghai Archives Information Knowledge Contest, contest questions are from the“ Shanghai File information network ”all sections. The competition set 100 individual multiple-choice questions, please think of the correct answer with a pen or ballpoint pen in the answer sheet on the corresponding black box, and fill in the answer sheet name, unit, ID number, contact address, etc., Then cut off the answer sheet and put it in an envelope. Post the stamp with the stamp on a valid August 31, 2002 (subject to the local postmark) and send it to the Information and Coding Division, Shanghai Bureau of Archives, Ministry of Information Utilization, 326 Xianxia Road, Shanghai Zip code 200336). The competition set a first prize, the prize value of 3,000 digital cameras a; second prize two, each prize worth 2,000 yuan a MD; second prize three, the prize value of 1,000 yuan a printer; memorial 50 awards, the prize value of 200 yuan a mobile storage device, more than a tax on their own prizes. In the case of the same answer to the question, with the “Shanghai Archives Information Network,” the proposed value of the size of the content as a criterion. The exam of this competition will be published in “Shanghai Archives” at the same time (http://www.archives.sh.cn), participants can actually answer through online. The winning list of the race and the correct answer will be in 2002 sixth issue "
一本服务中心工作的好书 在嘉兴市“市长电话”开通两周年之际,由嘉兴市档案局汇编的《一枝一叶总关情——市长电话实例选编》如期出版了。这本向中国共产党80周年华诞暨嘉