
来源 :矿山测量 | 被引量 : 49次 | 上传用户:cool_1944
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文中通过分析以往开采沉陷的预计计算方法 ,采用山区地表移动模型并用直接面积积分的方法 ,建立了适合于任意形状多工作面开采多线段的开采沉陷预计系统。该系统具有用C语言编写而成 ,预计数据采用与矿图统一的坐标系 ,预计数据准备工作量小 ,具有后处理功能等特点。通过实例应用表明 ,该系统具有良好的可靠性和方便性 ,运算速度快 ,使用方便。
The radioactive isotope 137 Cs is one of the important tracers for studying the physical processes and the human impacts on the environment. Based on the investigation results of the terrestrial
Based on the general framework of ADDS( Antarctic Data Directory System) established by SCAR- COMNAP ad hoc Planning Group on Antarctic data management,the CN- ADDS( Chinese Antarctic Data Directory
Plagioclases occur mainly as phenocrysts in volcanic rocks of King George Island, South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica. In basaltic andesites and andesites of Keller Peninsula and Ullman Spur (Admi
In this paper, by using ocean surface temperature data(COADS), the study is made of the characteristics of the monthly and annual changes of the SST in the tropical western Pacific and Indian Oceans
Mt. Yulong is the southernmost currently glacier covered area in Eurasia, including China. There are 19 sub tropical temperate glaciers on the mountain, controlled by the south western monsoon cl
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In order to discuss the characteristics of sea ice change of strong signal area on Antarctic and Arctic and the correlation between the thermal state on the land surface of Tibetan Plateau and the atm
Cross-section slices of Usnea antarctica Du Rietz, Usnea aurantiaco-atra (Jacq.) Bory. and Cladonia sp. at upper, middle and basal positions were prepared, respectively. The element composi