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我常常想,别人是怎么度过童年和青春期的呢?是否也有过同样的体会:年少时的幼稚、懵懂、冲动,在不经意间让你陷入思维和行动的混乱,渐渐地就丧失了正确认识自己的能力,与真正的人生真谛和财富失之交臂。 I often think about how others have passed through childhood and adolescence. Have they experienced the same experience: when they are young, innocent, ignorant, and impulsive, they inadvertently let you fall into the confusion of thinking and action and gradually lose their correct understanding. His own ability, and the true life of real life and wealth missed.
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仅仅为了维持法院的尊严,就用法律强制人民噤声沉默,由此引发的仇恨、猜忌与蔑视,将远远超过它所能给法院带来的尊重。 Just to maintain the dignity of the courts, it is
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