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一、下面刊载的曾锡庭同志的这篇文章,对新港新吹填地基所提出的加固方法的设想,理论上还是合理的;企望利用有利条件尽早着手加固,以期尽快将新建泊位交付使用的思路也是对的。但使之形成设计方案以至付诸实施,将还有不少具体问题需要研究解决。本刊希望这篇文章的发表能引起从事港工事业的同志的关注,或指出其不足给予补充和纠正,或另辟蹊径提出其它设想,使新港这样的大面积新吹填地基的加固工作,经过讨论,集思广益,最后能提出一个最优方案来。另附有关译文两篇,用作探讨这个问题的参考。二、83年12月中旬,本期刊物业已捡字,交通部委托天津港务局与一航局在新港召开了天津新港东突堤新吹填地基加固技术讨论会。为了使读者得以及时了解工程任务概况与问题关健所在,以便论析有据,本刊特请与会代表叶伯荣工程师将会议情况整理成文并补排于本专栏之后。三、83年12月底,天津大学陈环付教授针对新港东突堤新吹填地基的加固问题拨冗写来专稿,当时,本期刊物业已付排。为增益讨论,特又商请印刷厂将该文赶排,补录于后。四、这个专栏酿酝颇早,原拟提出设想,以征众议,冀其有利于工程建设。在此期间,专栏稿件因时就事迭有增加;为配合此专题讨论,本期刊物又确定提前排印出版,因此,专栏稿件形成了按其来稿先后予以依次编排。爰将原委说明如上。 I. This article from Comrade Zeng Xiting, which is published below, is still reasonable in theory in view of the proposed reinforcement measures proposed for the new ground filling at Xingang County. It is also hoped that as soon as possible, favorable measures will be taken to reinforce the new berths for delivery as soon as possible correct. However, there are still many specific problems that need to be studied and solved if they are to be designed and put into practice. The publication hopes that the publication of this article will arouse the concern of comrades engaged in the work of Hong Kong industry or to point out their deficiencies to be supplemented and corrected or come up with other ideas to put forward proposals to reinforce the large area of ​​the new landfill foundation such as Xingang. , Brainstorming, and finally able to propose an optimal solution. Attached to the translation of two, as a reference to explore this issue. Second, in mid-December 83, this periodicals industry has picked up the word, the Ministry of Communications commissioned the Tianjin Port Authority and the Air Navigation Bureau held a new Tianjin Port Xingu new embankment fill the ground reinforcement technology seminar. In order to enable readers to keep abreast of the overview of project tasks and the key issues in order to analyze the evidence, we specifically invite participants Ye Baorong engineers to organize the meeting and make up the meeting after the completion of this column. Third, at the end of December, 83, Professor Chen Huanfu of Tianjin University wrote a special report on the reinforcement of the newly blown fill foundation of the New Port East Jetty. At that time, the periodical property had paid for it. To discuss the gain, especially the printing business to ask the text hurdle, fill in later. Fourth, this column brewing a long time ago, originally proposed to envisage to sign public opinion, Ji its conducive to construction. During this period, the number of column manuscripts increased with each passing day. In line with this thematic discussion, this issue was also determined to be printed in advance. Therefore, column manuscripts were arranged in sequence according to their manuscripts.原 the whole story as described above.
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