Characterization of Al-12Si alloy and its composites in dry sliding friction and wear at elevated te

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slgull
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Al 12Si alloy matrix composites reinforced with Al 2O 3 and carbon fibers respectively as well as with the two fibres were fabricated by squeeze infiltration. The elevated temperature (about 400 ℃) friction and wear behaviors of Al 12Si alloy and its composites were investigated.The results show that the hybrid composites reinforced with Al 2O 3 and carbon fibres are of superior high temperature wear resistance.The critical transition temperature from mild wear to severe wear of the composites reinforced only with Al 2O 3 fiber is improved markedly compared with monolithic Al 12Si alloy, from 200 ℃ to 300 ℃.However, the critical transition temperature of the hybrid composites reinforced with Al 2O 3 and carbon fibers is improved further to 400 ℃.The reinforcing fibers have no significant effect on wear mechanisms of Al 12Si alloy.The dominant mechanisms are ploughing grooves and delamination as well as slight adhesion during mild wear regime.The subsurface consists of three regions:non peeling delamination layer, microcrack formation and propagation zone, and unaffected zone.Whereas the dominant mechanism is shifted to severe wear when test temperature exceeds the critical transition temperature. Al 12Si alloy matrix composites reinforced with Al 2 O 3 and carbon fibers respectively as well as with the two fibers were fabricated by squeeze infiltration. The elevated temperature (about 400 ° C) friction and wear behaviors of Al 12Si alloy and its composites were investigated. results show that the hybrid composites reinforced with Al 2 O 3 and carbon fibers are of superior high temperature wear resistance. The critical transition temperature from mild wear to severe wear of the composites reinforced only with Al 2 O 3 fiber is improved markedly compared with monolithic Al 12Si The critical transition temperature of the hybrid composites reinforced with Al 2 O 3 and carbon fibers is further improved to 400 ° C. The conditioning fibers have no significant effect on wear mechanisms of Al 12 Si alloy. dominant mechanisms are plowing grooves and delamination as well as slight adhesion during mild wear regime of three regions: non peeling delamination layer, microcrack formation and propagation zone, and unaffected zone. Whereas the dominant mechanism is shifted to severe wear when test temperature exceeds the critical transition temperature.
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牛奶在粤港澳地区可以变化出很多花样,姜汁撞奶就是其中之一。  端上桌的姜汁撞奶并不是牛奶般的液体,而是如豆腐花般的凝结状。不过,口味极不相同,含有浓郁的奶香和姜香,入口时只觉得香醇爽滑,甜中微辣,风味独特,还可暖胃表热。  “姜汁撞奶”,初听这个名字会觉得好新奇,动感十足,可是再一想,不对啊!只有固体与固体相碰才叫“撞”,或者液体冲到固体,比如波浪冲到岩石,那才叫“撞”,而牛奶和姜汁都是液体,液体
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