
来源 :中国劳动关系学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q999666
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“七七事变”后,华北地区逐渐沦陷,日军实行残酷的殖民统治,大肆对资源和人力进行掠夺。中国共产党根据当时的形势,领导华北地区的工人运动,制定了工人斗争的方针任务,广泛动员和组织工人群众,在抗战的各个阶段,在抗日根据地和沦陷区,以各种斗争方式开展对敌斗争,牵制和打击了日伪力量,为抗日战争的最终胜利做出巨大贡献,积累了丰富的发展工人运动的经验。 After the “July 7 Incident”, North China gradually fell, and the Japanese were cruelly colonialist and wantonly plundered their resources and manpower. Under the current situation, the Chinese Communist Party led the workers ’movement in North China and formulated guidelines and tasks for the workers’ struggle. They mobilized and organized the masses of workers extensively and carried out various forms of struggle against each other in all stages of the war of resistance against Japanese aggression and in the enemy-occupied areas Struggling to contain and combat the forces of the Japanese and the Pupas, making great contributions to the eventual victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and accumulating abundant experience in developing the workers’ movement.
【正】 塞万提斯的不朽巨著《堂吉诃德》,以深刻的思想内容和优美动人的语言,多少年来一直吸引着各国的读者,成为世界文学宝库中一颗光彩夺目的明珠。《堂吉诃德》的艺术语言