The Labor Law of the People's Republic of China

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Chapter XII Legal Responsibility Article 89 Labor rules and regulations stipulated by an em-ployer winch are in violation of laws and regulations shall be orderedto be corrected by the local labor administration, which may issue awarning.The employees are entitled to be compensated by the em-ployer if rules and regulations have caused harm to them. Article 90 An employer shall be ordered to correct the situation Chapter XII Legal Responsibility Article 89 Labor rules and regulations stipulated by an em-ployer winch are in violation of laws and regulations shall be orderedto be corrected by the local labor administration, which may issue awarning.The employees are entitled to be compensated by the em -ployer if rules and regulations have caused harm to them. Article 90 An employer shall be ordered to correct the situation
为了推动我国国防科技工业的开放力度,2007年以来,国防科工委先后颁布了《关于非公有制经济参与国防科技工业建设的指导意见》以及《深化国防科技 In order to promote the
各州、市、县人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各委、办、厅、局,各高等院校、科研院所,中央驻滇有关单位: 现将《云南省社会抚养费征收管理规定》印发给你们,自二○○二年九月
设立枣庄市,撤销峄县,以原峄县的行政区域为枣庄市的行政区域。 The establishment of Zaozhuang City, canceled Pixian County, the original Pixian administrative are
一、概述 固体火箭发动机的喷管一般是无冷却的。随着推进剂能量的提高,喷管受热很严重。一般含铝粉的CTPB推进剂,燃烧温度可达3500°K,燃气沿喷管膨胀加速产生推力,同时,炽