
来源 :黑龙江档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bosigai
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法规是法律、法令、条例、规则、章程等的总称。依法治档就是依靠档案法规管理档案工作。档案工作是一项功在当代,利在千秋的系统工程。强化档案管理的唯一途径是走依法治档的道路。而只有认真学习、宣传、贯彻档案法规,企业才能真正实现依法治档。一、学习、宣传档案法规是国企实现依法治档的前提学习、宣传档案法规是企业档案部门一项重要工作。利用档案法规颁布纪念日,“陆海空’一起上,全方位学习、宣传档案法规,让领导和职工了解他们在档案工作中应有的责任和义务,能够为依法治档提供良好的土壤。今年,我厂在《黑龙江省档案管理条例》颁布一周年之际,大力开展宣传活动。首先在厂门前悬挂大型标语,职工上班来下班去,醒目的《认真贯彻执行<黑龙江省档案管理条例>》的条幅映入眼帘,提醒职工企业的档案工作要依法管理。接下 Laws and regulations are laws, ordinances, ordinances, rules, articles of association, etc. File according to the law is to rely on the archives regulations management files. Archives work is a work in the contemporary, beneficial future generations of systems engineering. The only way to strengthen the management of archives is to follow the path of governing the archives according to law. Only by conscientiously studying, propagandizing and implementing the archives laws and regulations can enterprises truly achieve the goal of administering the files according to law. First, study and publicity archives laws and regulations is the prerequisite for state-owned enterprises to achieve archives according to law to learn, promote archives laws and regulations is an important part of the enterprise archives. Use archival regulations promulgated a commemorative day, ”land, sea and air together, all-round study and promotion of archives laws and regulations, so that leaders and staff understand their responsibilities and obligations in the file work, to provide a good soil for law enforcement files. , I plant in the “Heilongjiang Province Archives Regulations” promulgated the first anniversary of the occasion, vigorously carry out promotional activities.First hanging in front of the plant large banners, workers to work to go to get off work, eye-catching “conscientiously implement the” Regulations of File Management in Heilongjiang Province “ ”The banner greeted me, remind employees of the archives to be managed according to law
随着社会主义市场经济发展步伐的加快 ,实现对大规模、高技术工程项目快速、有效建设的要求日益强烈 ,建立和推行建设监理制已成为我国基本建设领域的一项重大改革措施和新形
埔 里是一个小镇,四面环山,台湾岛地理中 心的坐标,就在虎头山上。山脚下,躺着 一碧湖水,有个好听的名字,鲤鱼湖。 鲤鱼跃龙门,小镇多才子,文人荟萃。一条
在返途中,我反复梳理着西安之行的所闻所见。无论听别人介绍,还是她本人陈述,都没引起我特别的关注。惟独留给我那张她同女儿的合影,让我陷入了深深的思考和联想…… 三月底
高校系级档案管理是高校管理工作的重要组成部分。针对目前高校系级档案管理中存在的问题 ,既要转变观念 ,明确认识 ,又要提高档案管理人员的综合素质 ;既要重视文件材料收集