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用光镜和电镜观察环氧乙烷(EtO)对精子形成的影响。Wistar雄性大鼠,静式吸入染毒,浓度为0、90、360和800mg/m3,2h/日,6日/周,连续染毒13周或9周。结果表明,EtO引起睾丸重量减轻,附睾尾精子数及活精率降低。低浓度(90mg/m3)组,电镜下可见少数异常形态结构的精子细胞和畸形精子尾丝。360mg/m3组,染毒13周,光镜下可见睾丸边缘部分曲细精管出现空泡,生精细胞减少,偶见多核巨细胞。电镜下观察,部分精细胞和支持细胞中线粒体受损及许多各种不同变态发育阶段的畸形精细胞,附睾尾精子畸形率明显升高。高浓度(800mg/m3)EtO染毒9周,停止染毒4周后,生精细胞严重变性、坏死,曲细精管明显萎缩,生精细胞大部分消失。电镜下观察,所有精细胞崩解,附睾尾少精、死精或无精。结果提示,亚慢性吸入800mg/m3EtO时,引起睾丸萎缩,出现死精或无精,损伤是不可恢复的。长期吸入低浓度EtO对大鼠精子形成有影响,其中最敏感的是精细胞变态发育成精子的发育阶段。 The effects of ethylene oxide (EtO) on spermatogenesis were observed by light and electron microscopy. Wistar male rats were exposed to static inhalation at concentrations of 0, 90, 360 and 800 mg / m3 for 2 h / day for 6 weeks / week for 13 or 9 weeks. The results showed that EtO caused a decrease in testicular weight, a reduction in the number of epididymal spermatozoa and a decrease in viability. Low concentration (90mg / m3) group, a small number of abnormal morphology can be seen under the electron microscope sperm cells and deformed sperm tail wire. 360mg / m3 group, exposure to 13 weeks, microscopic examination of the seminiferous tubules visible edge of the testes vacuoles, spermatogenic cells decreased, occasionally multinucleated giant cells. Under electron microscope, mitochondria were damaged in some sperm cells and supporting cells, and deformity of spermatogenic cells and epididymal sperm in many different stages of metamorphosis were significantly increased. High concentration (800mg / m3) EtO exposure for 9 weeks, four weeks after the cessation of exposure to severe degeneration and necrosis of germ cells, seminiferous tubules significantly shrink, most of the sperm cells disappear. Electron microscopy, all sperm cells disintegration, epididymal tail less fine, dead or fine. The results suggest that sub-chronic inhalation of 800mg / m3EtO, causing testicular atrophy, showing dead or azoospermia, the injury is not recoverable. Long-term inhalation of low concentrations of EtO on rat spermatogenesis affect the most sensitive of which is the sperm cell metamorphosis into the developmental stage of sperm.
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