巨青报惊喜 厂家献真情—杭州五金渔具厂厂长亲赴安徽明光馈赠钓手

来源 :钓鱼 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HuSiYou
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9月6日,一条重72.5千克的大青鱼被安徽钓手柳海等人用手竿,经过13小时的人鱼搏战,终于将巨青擒获上岸(详情见本刊第18、19期)。经了解证实钓获青鱼用的鱼竿,是杭州五金渔具厂产品。当本刊记者将这一消息通知生产厂家时,贾锡明厂长是又惊又喜,兴奋之余当即决定:一定前往安徽明光,去奖励钓手并欣赏那条大青鱼。真情互动场面感人 9月14日,在《钓鱼》杂志社的精心安排下,由广告部主任王见等人陪同贾厂长一行前往安徽明光。“快来看呀,鱼竿厂家来人啦”,当贾厂长 On Sept. 6, a melanogaster weighing 72.5 kg was hand-held by Liu Diao, Anhui’s angler and others. After a 13-hour mermaid battle, Ju Qing finally captured the ashore (see articles 18 and 19 of this issue for details). It is confirmed that the fishing rod used to capture the herring is a hardware fishing gear factory in Hangzhou. When the reporter will notify the manufacturer of this news, Jia Ximing director is surprised and pleased, I immediately decided to excite: Must go to Anhui Mingguang, to reward the angler and enjoy that big mermaid. On September 14, under the meticulous arrangement of “Fishing” Magazine, Wang Jian, director of advertising department, accompanied by Director Jia and his entourage went to Anhui Mingguang. “Come on ah, fishing rod manufacturers come”, when Jia director
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新年伊始,伴着迎春的脚步,改型后的《门球之苑》和大家见面了。从季刊到双月刊,从16 开到大16开,《门球之苑》在信息量提升的同时节奏也加快了,外形更丰满了。植根于门球运动
In China,the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus isincreasing rapidly due to aging of the population,increased frequency of obesity,and suboptimal nutrition
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。第三届外国最佳邮票评选参评邮票和小型张 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view p
去年菏泽市老年门球赛涌现出许多技术能手,很多场次打的精彩给观众留下了深刻的印象,有一场,最后一杆连得10分,让人经久难忘。具体打法是: 赛时离终场还有2分30秒,比分是9:14
秦毅云(成都军区司令部办公室):我看完这部影片后,问几个小青年,这部影片表现了什么?他们说:现在不是讲座婚姻恋爱吗?这部影片提出对待 Qin Yiyun (Chengdu Military Command Office