Investigation on the thermal decomposition of aged La_2O_3

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:helloliuhh
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The thermal decomposition process of air-aged La2O3 in argon atmosphere was studied using nonisothermal TG-DSC. X-ray diffraction and TG-DSC analysis showed that the aged powder was composed of La(OH)3 with small amounts of oxycarbonate. The decomposition process of air-aged La2O3 involves the two-step decomposition of La(OH)3 and the decomposition of oxycarbonate. The kinetic analysis of the two-step decomposition of La(OH)3 was carried out using Coats-Redfern and isoconversion (Ozawa) methods. The kinetics of the two-step decomposition can be described in terms of the nucleation and growth model A (m=1.5,m is the model parameter) and A (m=2.5),respectively. The apparent activation energy for the first step is 136-144 (Coats-Redfern) and 137-164 kJ/mol (isoconversion). The apparent activation energy for the second step is 191-194 (Coats-Redfern) and 186-213 kJ/mol (isoconversion). The thermal decomposition process of air-aged La2O3 in argon atmosphere was studied using nonisothermal TG-DSC. X-ray diffraction and TG-DSC analysis showed that the aged powder was composed of La (OH) 3 with small amounts of oxycarbonate. The decomposition The kinetic analysis of the two-step decomposition of La (OH) 3 was carried out using Coats-Redfern and isoconversion (Ozawa The kinetics of the two-step decomposition can be described in terms of the nucleation and growth model A (m = 1.5, m is the model parameter) and A (m = 2.5), respectively. The apparent activation energy for the first step is 136-144 (Coats-Redfern) and 137-164 kJ / mol (isoconversion). The apparent activation energy for the second step is 191-194 (Coats-Redfern) and 186-213 kJ / mol (isoconversion).
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