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十三陵水库自建成后凸显的库区渗漏问题严重影响了水库效能的发挥。对十三陵水库流域的径流情况进行模拟,并深入分析了库区渗漏情况。基于Arc GIS平台建立了十三陵水库流域的SWAT模型,模拟了1975—2010年共36年间流域的产汇流情况,并提取出日尺度的入库径流,模拟年平均入库径流为2 740万m~3。根据水量平衡关系,估算水库年平均渗漏量为3 082万m~3,大于水库年入库径流量,依靠补水工程的补给才得以维持水库水位。最后对渗漏主要影响因素进行了探究和量化。入库径流是决定水库渗漏量的最主要因素,通过渗漏流失的水量超过入库径流的92%,且即使没有入库径流,也会产生约每月50万m~3左右的渗漏。水库水位与水库渗漏量密切相关,当水库水位高于86 m时,大宫门古河道渗漏迅速增强,并成为重要渗漏途径,使得水库渗漏迅速增大。该结论有助于优化水库补水方案及洪水预报方案,对水库渗漏研究具有一定参考意义。 The reservoir area leakage which has been highlighted since the completion of the Ming Tombs Reservoir seriously affected the reservoir performance. This paper simulates runoff in the reservoir area of ​​the Ming Tombs and analyzes the seepage situation in the reservoir area. Based on the ArcGIS platform, the SWAT model of the reservoir area of ​​the Ming Tombs Reservoir was established to simulate the runoff and catchment of the basin during the 36 years from 1975 to 2010 and the daily runoff was extracted to simulate the average annual runoff of 27.4 million m ~ 3. According to the relationship of water balance, the average annual leakage of reservoir is estimated to be 38.02 million m3, which is larger than the annual runoff of reservoirs. Relying on the replenishment of the recharge project, the reservoir water level can be maintained. Finally, the main influencing factors of leakage were explored and quantified. Inbound runoff is the most important factor that determines the amount of reservoir leakage. The amount of water lost through seepage exceeds 92% of the inbound runoff, and about 500,000 to 3 million leaks occur every month, even without inbound runoff . The reservoir water level is closely related to the reservoir leakage. When the reservoir water level is higher than 86 m, the seepage of the ancient palaces in the Daminggoumen rapidly increases and becomes an important seepage route, resulting in the rapid increase of reservoir seepage. This conclusion is helpful to optimize the reservoir replenishment scheme and flood forecasting scheme, which is of certain reference significance to the study of reservoir seepage.
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针对黄瓜枯萎病(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerinum)在生产中发生严重又无简单有效防治手段的问题,本文以国内具有自主知识产权的新型抗病诱导剂氟唑活化酯(2,2,2-三氟乙基苯
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“钱生钱,有陷阱。”非法集资是社会的“毒瘤”,扰乱了国家金融秩序,影响了社会稳定,坑害了广大群众,危害极大。$$ 所谓非法集资,是指违反国家金融管理法律规定,向社会公众(包括单位
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