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目的研究栽培与野生肉苁蓉(Cistanche deserticola Y.C.M a)苯乙醇苷类化学成分的含量和组成差异,为名贵濒危中药资源肉苁蓉的合理开发和利用提供一定的理论基础。方法应用高效液相色谱法对栽培与野生肉苁蓉样品进行药典指标成分和指纹图谱分析,利用SPSS统计分析软件和“计算机辅助相似度评价系统”软件进行数据处理。结果比较发现,栽培样品中松果菊苷含量略高,但与野生样品无显著性差异;野生样品中毛蕊花糖苷的平均含量[(3.15±0.55)%]显著高于栽培样品[(1.63±0.55)%]。HPLC特征峰的相对含量分布差异导致指纹图谱存在一定差异;计算机辅助相似度评价分析结果显示,栽培肉苁蓉样品间的相似系数均大于0.65,而野生肉苁蓉样品之间的相似系数最低仅0.237,说明野生样品间个体差异大,可能存在的变异类型更加丰富。结论人工种植对于保证肉苁蓉药材质量的稳定性具有重要作用,应该加强对野生肉苁蓉的引种工作,确保更大范围内的引种以便保存更多的种质资源,这对于肉苁蓉资源保护和可持续利用有着极其重要的意义。 Objective To study the content and composition of phenylethanoid glycosides in cultivated and wild Cistanche deserticola Y.C.Ma and to provide a theoretical basis for the rational development and utilization of the rare and endangered Chinese medicinal herb Cistanche deserticola. Methods The pharmacopoeia composition and fingerprinting of cultivated and wild Cistanche deserticola samples were analyzed by HPLC. The data were processed by using SPSS statistical analysis software and computer aided similarity evaluation system software. The results showed that the content of echinacoside in cultivated samples was slightly higher than that in wild samples, but the average content of verbascoside in wild samples [(3.15 ± 0.55)%] was significantly higher than that in cultivated samples [(1.63 ± 0.55) %]. The results of computer-aided similarity evaluation showed that the similarity coefficients of cultivated Cistanche samples were all greater than 0.65, while the similarity coefficient of wild Cistanche samples was only 0.237, indicating that the wild Individual differences between samples large, there may be more abundant types of variation. Conclusion Artificial planting plays an important role in ensuring the stability of the quality of Cistanche tuberculosis medicinal materials. The introduction of wild Cistanche crassipes should be strengthened to ensure a wider range of introductions in order to preserve more germplasm resources, which has a significant impact on the conservation and sustainable use of Cistanche resources Extremely important meaning.
目的 考察氨来呫诺含片的制备与质量控制方法.方法 采用高效液相色谱法测定氨来呫诺含片的含量.色谱柱为汉邦Lichrospher C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm);甲醇-0.01 moL·L
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
一、甾体皂苷P57的全合成研究甾体皂苷P57是从非洲一种类似仙人掌的植物(Hoodia gordonii)中提取出来的。在这个植物的提取物中,P57是唯一有降低食欲的有效物质,在实际的动物
1临床资料 <br> 患者男,97岁,以&#39;咳嗽、咳痰、发热1w,排尿困难1d&#39;为主诉于2012年12月18日收入我院急救科。1w前无明显诱因出现咳嗽、咳痰、发热,最高体温39.2益,无畏