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一九五○年全国产棉除民用纺絮外,估计可供纺织工业用者达一、○○○万担强。依照全国纱锭需棉计算,此数勉可敷用;如依纱布销售情况及人民购买力估计(按今年产棉织成纱布计),亦可供全国人民需要。为使产销趋于平衡,除希各地贸易行政部门及纺织工业局对公私纱厂开工锭数、时间、产量等方面,按照生产计划予以严格规定外,在原棉收购工作上,必须吸取去年经验,大力推行公私联购工作,有组织、有计划的调配原棉,以防止盲目争购或发生原棉供需不平衡、棉价涨跌不定之不良现象。为此对棉花联购及市场管理工作特作如下规定:(一)本统筹兼顾之原则,有计划的购配原棉,以保证纺织工业原棉的供经并稳定棉价,必须加强并扩大棉花联购工作。(二)在重要纺织工业城市,均应组织公私纱厂联合购棉组织,由当地贸易行政部门及纺织管理局负责领导,国营花纱布公司代表公营厂参加,私营纺织厂则应尽可能组织在联购机构中进行联购,统一制订联购计划,统筹资金,按出资比例分配原棉。凡已参加联购之各厂,不再自购或自行委托棉商代购。但各厂除参加投资外,得同时采用委托方式委托联购机构代购原棉。 In 1950, except cotton spinning, the national cotton production is estimated to be up to 10,000,000 for the textile industry. According to the national demand for cotton spindles, this number can be applied; such as gauze sales and people’s purchasing power estimates (according to this year into cotton gauze), but also for the needs of people across the country. In order to keep production and sales in balance, we must learn from last year’s experience in purchasing raw cotton, except that the trade administrative departments and the Bureau of Textile Industry throughout the country strictly stipulate the number of spindles, time and output of public and private mills to start their operations in accordance with the production plan. Efforts should be made to implement joint public-private co-ordination and the deployment of raw cotton in an organized and planned manner so as to prevent any blind purchase or occurrence of an imbalance between supply and demand of raw cotton and fluctuations in cotton prices. To this end, we hereby make the following special provisions on cotton co-purchase and market management as follows: (1) With the principle of making overall plans and taking all factors into consideration, we have planned to purchase raw cotton to ensure the supply of raw cotton in the textile industry and to stabilize the cotton price. We must strengthen and expand the cotton association Buying a job. (2) In the important cities of textile industry, the joint purchase of cotton and cotton organizations should be organized by the public and private mills, led by the local trade administrative department and the Textile Administration, the state-run gauze companies take part in the public factories, and the private textile mills should organize as much as possible M & A agencies in the purchase, unified development of a joint purchase plan, co-financing, according to the proportion of the distribution of raw cotton. Where the plants have been participating in the joint purchase, no longer self-purchase or self-commissioned by the merchants purchase. However, in addition to participating in the plant investment, the commissioned by the same time commissioned by the purchasing agency purchasing raw cotton.