
来源 :麦类作物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songhongyu8211
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图1和图2概括了黄土高原冬小麦、苜蓿的根系构形特征.小麦次生根有3个分生高峰期,深层根有2个生长高峰期.耕层根量占总根量的70%左右.种子根、次生根及50cm以下的深层根对产量的贡献均在40%左右.越冬光合产物多积存于分蘖节处,亦运至深层根中,且在春生叶、茎、穗中均有痕量分布;苜蓿主根可钻开314~942cm~3的根柱.每公顷4~5年生苜蓿地有42~109万个径粗0.2~2.2cm、深3~4m的根柱及近20t干物质充注其中.归纳出了“地利场界定根构形,制约植株产量”的根土结构定则及其表述模型,并提出了钻犁营养柱耕作法的设想. The root configuration characteristics of winter wheat and alfalfa in the Loess Plateau are summarized in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Wheat secondary roots have 3 meristematic peaks and 2 deep root growth stages. The contribution of seed roots, secondary roots and deep roots under 50 cm were all about 40%, while the overwintering photosynthetic products accumulated in the tiller nodes and transported to the deep roots, and were found in the leaves, stems and spikes Trace distribution.The main root of alfalfa could drill the root column of 314 ~ 942cm ~ 3. From 4 to 5 alfalfa per hectare there were 42 ~ 1090000 root diameter of 0.2 ~ 2.2cm, depth of 3 ~ 4m and nearly 20t Material charge, summarized the rules of root structure of soil and its representation model of “the definition of root structure in the geo-field and controlled the yield of the plant”, and put forward the tentative plan of plowing and plowing cultivation.
目的:林生地霉(Geotrichum silvicola)为新近发现的一种罕见地霉,首次从巴西果蝇和印度柞蚕幼虫身上分离出来[1]。2002年,我科从一例脓癣患儿的皮损中分离得到一株林生地霉,
Objective To investigate whether correlation existsbetween quantitative perfusion parameters obtained from dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging(
Photorespiration is a well-known CO_2-evolution process accompanying photosyntheticCO_2 uptake, whereas its physiological significance is still not well unders