猴年岁末 湖北工会盛会连连

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2004年12月18口,省委召开“全省工会工作会议”。省委专门召开工二会工作会议,尚属首次。同时,省委发出了鄂发[2004]20号文件,即《中共湖北省委关于进一步加强工会工作的意见》。12月31日,省政府与省总工会联席会议召开。省委、省政府对工会工作的重视程度可见一斑。 12月27日至29日,全省县级工会暨基层工会工作会议、省总十届三次全委(扩大)会议相继召开。会议确定,今年全省工会工作的重点是:加强基层工会工作、加强工会维权机制建设和开展“创建学习型组织、争做知识型职工”活动,即“两加强一创争”。有关领导讲话和表彰决定详见“湖北省总工会”网站。 December 2004 18 mouth, the provincial party committee held “the work conference of trade unions in the province ”. For the first time, the provincial party committee convened a special working meeting for the Second Congresses. At the same time, the Provincial Party Committee issued E Fa [2004] No. 20 document, “Opinions of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee on Further Strengthening the Work of Trade Unions.” December 31, the provincial government and the provincial Federation of Trade Unions held a joint meeting. Provincial Party Committee, the provincial government’s emphasis on the work of trade unions can be seen. From December 27 to December 29, the work meeting of the county-level trade unions and the grass-roots trade unions in the province and the three sessions of the 10th plenary session of the provincial people’s congress (enlargement) were held one after another. The meeting confirmed that the focus of this year’s work in trade unions across the province is to strengthen the work of grassroots trade unions, strengthen the mechanism for safeguarding the rights of trade unions and to launch the activity of “creating a learning organization and becoming a knowledge worker”, that is, . The leadership speech and recognition decision see “Hubei Federation of Trade Unions ” website.
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暑假又要到了,好开心哦。我们全家打算先从南宁回贵港,然后再去桂林旅游。  好巧!这个暑假我也要跟爸爸妈妈去桂林旅游,不过我们是直接从南宁到桂林。  请问:他们坐车的距离谁比较远呢?  我们先从网上找找信息吧!  我来算算看。  135 365=500(千米),500千米>431千米。  所以莉莉坐车的距离比晓晓坐车的距离远哦。  其实,不用算也可以知道莉莉坐车的距离比晓晓坐车的距离远。从地图上我们
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