
来源 :甘肃警察职业学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ciancomjy
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流畅状态是指人们对某一特定活动表现出浓厚的兴趣并全身心投入其中的一种愉悦心理状态。状态焦虑是在人们激怒或生气的状况下发生的人类天生的一种情感。焦虑是人类固有的一种保护性反应,在人们的生存及日常生活中起到了有益的作用,但当它发展成为一种强烈的情绪状态时,则成为一种影响个人行为的障碍。流畅状态与焦虑都是影响警务战术训练的心理指标。有学者研究表明流畅状态与焦虑存在一定的关联,深入研究二者的关系有利于明确开展警务战术训练有效的教育训练手段。本文从心理测量入手,采集100名公安大学学员的互动影像靶情景处置训练动作技能流畅状态量表(FSS)和特质焦虑量表(STAI)数据,分析焦虑与流畅状态特征相关问题。 Fluency refers to a state of pleasure in which people show a strong interest in a particular activity and dedicate themselves to it. State anxiety is a naturally occurring human emotion that occurs when people are irritated or angry. Anxiety is a kind of protective reaction inherent in human beings. It plays a beneficial role in people’s life and daily life, but when it develops into a strong emotional state, it becomes an obstacle to personal behavior. Fluency and anxiety are the psychological indicators that influence policing tactics training. Some scholars have shown that there is a certain relationship between fluency and anxiety. Studying the relationship between them is conducive to defining the effective means of education and training in policing and tactical training. This article starts with the psychometric measurement and collects the data of 100 smuggling students from the Public Security University to analyze the relationship between the anxiety and the fluid state features of the FSS and STAI data.
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探索型1.解 :( 1)依题意可得 :x1+ x2 =2 ,x1· x2 =k由 y=( x1+ x2 ) ( x12 + x2 2 -x1x2 ) =( x1+ x2 ) [( x1+ x2 ) 2-3 x1x2 ] =2 ( 4 -3 k) =8-6k 即 y=8-6k.( 2 )∵方