Mathematical Models for Teenager's Living Age Evaluation Based on CT Image of Medial Clavicular

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Objective To explore the correlation between volume rendering(VR) statistics of medial clavicular epiphysis and living age,and establish the mathematical models for living age evaluation using the CT image of medial clavicular epiphysis based on the growth rules of osteoepiphysis of medial clavicle.Methods The CT images of the medial clavicles from 795 teenagers aged 15-25,387 males and 408 females,were collected in East and South China.VR 3D images were reconstructed from 0.60 mm-thick slice CT images.The epiphyseal diameter,sternal end diameter,and their respective diameter ratio(the left: x 1;the right: x 3);epiphyseal area,sternal end area,and their respective area ratio(the left: x 2;the right: x 4),were measured and calculated.All these observations were analyzed using SPSS 19.0 statistical software.The statistical differences in gender and age were analyzed by Mann-Whitney U test.The mathematical models were established using least square.Sixty trained subjects,30 males and 30 females,were tested to verify the accuracy of the established mathematical models.Results In the group of same age,x 1 showed significant difference in gender;the same results were observed in x 2,x 3,and x 4,which suggested that the growth rules of osteoepiphysis of medial clavicle were highly correlated with living age.The accuracy of these mathematical models were all above 67.6%(±1.0 year) and 78.5%(±1.5 year).Conclusion The mathematical models with reasonable accuracy could be manageable in practice to confirm the conclusion of the atlas method.The current study can contribute to the single skeletal age evaluation. Objective To explore the correlation between volume rendering (VR) statistics of medial clavicular epiphysis and living age, and establish the mathematical models for living age evaluation using the CT image of medial clavicular epiphysis based on the growth rules of osteoepiphysis of medial clavicle. Methods The The CT images of the medial clavicles from 795 teenagers aged 15-25,387 males and 408 females, collected collected in East and South China. VR 3D images were reconstructed from 0.60 mm-thick slice CT images. The epiphyseal diameter, sternal end diameter, and their (the left: x 1; the right: x 3); epiphyseal area, sternal end area, and their respective area ratio (the left: x 2; the right: x 4), were measured and calculated. observations were analyzed using SPSS 19.0 statistical software. The statistical differences in gender and age were analyzed by Mann-Whitney U test. The mathematical models were established using least square. Sixty trained subjects, 30 males and 30 f emales, were tested to verify the accuracy of the established mathematical models. Results In the group of same age, x 1 showed significant difference in gender; the same results were observed in x 2, x 3, and x 4, which suggested that the growth rules of osteoepiphysis of medial clavicle were highly correlated with living age. The accuracy of these mathematical models were all above 67.6% (± 1.0 year) and 78.5% (± 1.5 year) .Conclusion The mathematical models with reasonable accuracy could be manageable in practice to confirm the conclusion of the atlas method.The current study can contribute to the single skeletal age evaluation.
摘 要 档案法律责任涵盖民事、行政和刑事三种不同的法律责任。此三种法律责任虽性质不同,但却可因为一行为出现而同时产生。如果同一档案行为同时违反了民事、行政和刑事三种规范,就会同时出现民事、行政或者刑事三种责任,并由此发生三种责任之间的相互竞合,而它们之间竞合的处理规则也各有不同。  关键词 档案 违法行为 法律责任 竞合  作者简介:朱格锋,开封大学,讲师。  中图分类号:D926 文献标识码:A
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