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这期介绍的两篇关于“贫困问题”的文章,是美国经济学会在1964年年会上提出的。美国资产阶级经济学界近年来似乎对贫困问题表示“关心”,发表了不少所谓“贫困经济学”的“研究”成果。其他如社会学、心理学等领域内也出现了不少论述贫困问题的文章。这都不是偶然的。我们知道,约翰逊在《1964年经济机会法案》中曾公开提出过“向贫穷开战”的口号。美国的垄断资产阶级御用经济学家关于贫困问题的“研究”,无非是在理论上为美国政府的政策作论证和辩护。我们译载的这两篇论文也属于这类货色。作者在文章中歪曲事实,胡说什么美国贫困已在日益减少,财产的收入下降了,而劳动的收入却增加了,工人实际所得正在提高等等。他们还把贫困的原因归之于家庭出身,本人才能,甚至芜唐到认为“贫困是遗传的疾病”等等,然而只字不提造成贫困的真正原因——垄断安本的残酷剥削。对于解决贫困问题,他们也提出了一些措施,例如改进税收制度、加强社会保险和公共援助、增加教育经费等等,但实际上这些方案是解决不了贫困问题的,只不过是用来欺骗劳动人民罢了。 Two articles on the “poverty issue” introduced in this issue were presented by the American Economic Association at the 1964 annual meeting. In recent years, the bourgeois economics in the United States seems to have expressed “concern” for the poverty issue and published many “research” results called “poverty economics.” Others such as sociology, psychology and other fields also appeared a lot of articles on poverty. This is not accidental. We know that Johnson made the slogan openly “war on poverty” in the 1964 Economic Opportunities Act. The “study” of the poverty issue by the United States’ monopoly bourgeois economists is nothing more than a theoretical demonstration and defense of the policy of the U.S. government. The two essays we translated also fall into this category. The author distorts the facts in the article, nonsense about what the U.S. poverty is declining, the income of property is declining, the labor income is increasing, the actual income of workers is increasing and so on. They also attribute the causes of poverty to family origins, to their own talents, and even turn to the article that “poverty is a hereditary disease”, etc. However, they simply fail to mention the real cause of poverty - the brutal exploitation of the monopoly and peace. They also put forward some measures to solve the poverty problem, such as improving the tax system, strengthening social insurance and public assistance, increasing funding for education, etc. However, in reality, these programs can not solve the poverty problem and are only used to deceive the working people Nothing more
【正】 早在《诗经》、《楚辞》中,边塞诗就已出现。只是篇数太少,不大被人注意。汉魏迄隋,渐有增加,出现了一些边塞题材的乐府诗和鲍照、卢思道、薛道衡等以边塞诗见长的诗
目的探讨甲泼尼龙对股骨粗隆间骨折患者术后疼痛的影响。方法 172例股骨粗隆间骨折患者,随机分为实验组和对照组,每组86例。实验组给予甲泼尼龙辅助治疗,对照组接受生理盐水