Dancing into a New Culture

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When I arrived in Beijing four years ago, it was not an easy transition. Starting from restau- rants to language class disap- pointments, to irritation with the feeling of millions of eyes on my dreadlocks, I felt it was taking centuries to feel like a resident. The sense of being a stranger was con- stant. When I arrived in Beijing four years ago, it was not an easy transition. Starting from restau- rants to language class disap- pointments, to irritation with the feeling of millions of eyes on my dreadlocks, I felt it was taking centuries to feel like a resident. The sense of being a stranger was con- stant.
8月中旬,“魅力中国东方时尚·2014 OMC世界比基尼模特大赛全球总决赛”系列巡游活动启动,来自46个国家的48名比基尼超模从广州到北京,再移师青岛,体验领略各大城市时尚文化的同
On October 1, 1949, the People’s Republic of China was founded. It was only three years and three months after the War of Liberation(1946-49) between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Communist Party of Ch
8月中旬,参加“魅力中国东方时尚·2014 OMC世界比基尼模特大赛全球总决赛”的各国佳丽陆续入境中国,中国区3位胜出者与各国佳丽一起展开了重点城市巡游,而红棉国际时装城正是比
During the past National Day holiday (October 1-7), north China’s Shanxi Province presented various tourism programs to attract tourists from home and abroad. The highlight is undoubtedly Pingyao Coun