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正值岁末,2002年12月2日,全国铁路运输安全工作会议在温暖的广州举行。会议总结了工作,交流了经验,部署了新一年的安全工作。铁路推行“规范管理、强基达标”多年,在推进安全基础建设方面作了大量细致的工作,取得了可喜的成绩,实现了运输安全形势的基本稳定,使这5年成为铁路发展历史上安全生产最好的时期。这其中各铁路局、铁路分局功不可没。创新思维,已成为各铁路局运输第一线在探索安全生产长治久安之路的共同点。各铁路局根据自己的特点,研究了各具特色的管理方式,达到了铁路运输安全高效的目的。广州铁路(集团)公司利用3年时间把京广线南段建设成提速达标示范线,改变了京广线设备质量的落后局面;郑州铁路局科学推进综合维修天窗,成功地解决了提高运输效率、保证安全与维修的矛盾;哈尔滨铁路局强化危险货物管理,使危险货物运输安全、有序;济南铁路局探索过程控制的长效机制,使运输安全在科学管理控制之下;上海铁路局利用科技手段创建沪宁提速达标示范线,使安全运输得到了有效的保证。利用会间的紧张间隙,《铁道运输与经济》杂志分别对广州铁路(集团)公司总经理吴俊光、郑州铁路局局长赵吉斌、济南铁路局局长左慎湘、哈尔滨铁路局局长何洪达、上海铁路局局长陆东福进行了专访。 At the end of the year, December 2, 2002, the national railway transport safety conference was held in the warmest Guangzhou. The meeting summed up the work, exchanged experiences and deployed the security work for the new year. The railway has carried out “standardized management and strong foundation compliance” for many years and has done a great deal of meticulous work in promoting safety infrastructure and has achieved gratifying results. It has basically stabilized the transport security situation and has made these five years a historic safety in railway development. The best time to produce Among them, all railway administrations and railway divisions contributed to it. Innovative thinking has become the first line of all railway agencies in the exploration of the long road to peace and stability in common ground. According to their own characteristics, the railway administrations have studied various management methods with different characteristics to achieve the goal of safe and efficient railway transportation. Guangzhou Railway (Group) Co., Ltd. spent three years to build the southern section of Beijing-Guangzhou line to speed up compliance demonstration line, changing the Beijing-Guangzhou line equipment quality behind the situation; Zhengzhou Railway Bureau to promote the comprehensive maintenance of skylight, successfully solved the problem of improving transport efficiency , To ensure the contradiction between safety and maintenance; Harbin Railway Bureau to strengthen the management of dangerous goods, so that dangerous goods transport safe and orderly; Jinan Railway Bureau to explore the long-term mechanism of process control, so that transport safety under the scientific management control; Shanghai Railway Bureau Scientific and technological means to create Shanghai-Nanjing speed up the standard line, so that the safe transport has been effectively guaranteed. Taking advantage of the tight space between the two chambers, Railway Transportation and Economy separately analyzed the impact of Wu Junguang, general manager of Guangzhou Railway (Group) Company, Zhao Jibin, director of Zhengzhou Railway Bureau, Zuo Shenxiang, director of Jinan Railway Bureau, He Hongda, director of Harbin Railway Bureau, Secretary Lu Dongfu conducted an interview.
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